- This paper will be based on your research of one (or more) of the Ethical Issues topics listed below within a chosen company, firm, or other approved organization.
- Stakeholder Relationships
- Social Responsibility
- Corporate Governance
- Ethical Leadership
- Moral Philosophies and Values
- Ethical Culture & Relationships
- Effective Ethics Program (Implementation & Auditing)
- Globalization of Ethical Decision Making
- (Your choice of approved topic - must be approved by Dr. Broxterman)
- 5-10 pages of text - this does not include the title page, references, or graphics (standard 8.5" x 11" paper)
- Must include: Title page**; Abstract Page***; Introduction; Main Body; Summary; Conclusion; References (bibliography)
- Bibliography/references page. Minimum number of references: 5 (Books, articles, peer reviewed journals. No Wikipedia)
- Subject may be a for-profit business/organization/firm of any size; a non-profit organization with 100 or more members; or any official government entity.
- APA format
- Double spaced; computer printed
- Font 12 or smaller (Times New Roman or Arial only) - Exception for Title Page ONLY.
- 1" margins all around
- Main subject/topic to be American - however no geographical boundaries on research.
- The ONLY formats accepted are: .doc, .docx, or .rtf (NO .wps)
- Clearly reference any factual statements at the end of the paragraphs in which they are stated. (Author and year is sufficient - enough to guide the reader to the bibliography).
- Photos; graphics; logos; tables are encouraged but not included in the text pages count.
**Title page to include, at minimum: Title of your work; Your Name; Course number; Course name; name of college; name of professor; date submitted.
***Abstract should be no longer than one page (200 to 300 words is a guideline) and perform the following: Re-establish the topic/reason for analysis or research; Give the problem and/or main objective of the paper (this usually comes first); Indicate the methodology used in your research and analysis; Present the main findings; Present the main conclusions. Basically, tell WHY this paper is important to the reader - and HOW the research was conducted