How has 9/11 securitised intelligence ? Case study of the U.S.
No# of Pages:
13 pages (3,250 words)
Subject Area:
International Studies & Foreign Affairs
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This paper aims to analyse the changes operated in the way security and intelligence are being practiced in the United States since 9/11.
Preliminary thesis statement ?:
The War on Terror following the 9/11 events has restricted individual liberties and privacy of the American citizens as well as businesses. Can this restriction be justified and is it legitimate ?
How : methodology, sources (historical, discourse)?Articles, laws, discourses (securitarian namely) / speech acts to be defined (School of Copenhagen)
1. Intelligence and surveillance pre-9/11 : elements of failure, what lead to 9/11 ?
2. The consecration of 9/11: PATRIOT ACT, securitisation at its highest
3. Towards a new permanent state of exception