Assignment -
Only the areas highlighted with "Salis" you will work on. This means that only the economic feasibility and related issues are needed. Paper is three pages and power point with some graphs.
1) This proposal will restate your executive summary (which may be altered based on management feedback) and will also include a detailed feasibility analysis matrix with a minimum of 3 candidates. (Refer to Chapter 11). It will also include possible databases, sample inputs, sample outputs and any models for the information technology solution he / she chose to solve the business problem you selected earlier.
This presentation & paper must include:
a. "Each presentation should take no less than forty (40) minutes and no more than sixty (60) minutes plus be prepared for 10 minutes of questions and discussion."
b. "The specific hardware & software being evaluated / chosen". Candidate matrix-> Saroj
c. "A detained feasibility analysis+-> this is more on details-> Josh
d. "A completed candidate matrix and articulation of a scoring / weighting rationale that ties back to the requirement you provided in your first presentation" -> Ankur
e. "Reasonably estimated costs of the solution you selected" -> Salis
f. "A substantive ROI analysis that incorporates the time value of money, estimated prices, cost / benefits analysis and the reasons for selecting the proposed system to be built / purchased" -> Salis
g. "A complete disclosure of all benefits with a detailed description of how they were monetized. Specifically all cost reductions (i.e. staff reductions, increased productivity, more accuracy, etc.) must be explained thoroughly as well as all revenue increases (i.e. better decision making, increased customer loyalty, staff redeployment, more sales time, etc.)" -> Salis
h. In addition, the paper will explain why the proposed system favorably competes for funding among the other alternatives that exist in your organization. -> Ankur (Salis will contribute on financial piece.)
For Presentation:
I. Introduction (one-sixth of total time available)
A. Problem statement -> Josh
B. Work completed to date -> Saroj
II. Part of the presentation (two-thirds of total time available)
A. Summary of existing problems and limitations -> Josh
B. Summary description of the proposed system ->Saroj
C. Feasibility analysis
Josh-> generic feasibility of all except economic
Ankur-> Matrix of the feasibility analysis
Salis-> Economic feasibility.
D. Proposed schedule to complete project ->Saroj
III. Questions and concerns from the audience (time here is not to be included in the time allotted for presentation and conclusion; it is determined by those asking the questions and voicing their concerns)
IV. Conclusion (one-sixth of total time available)
A. Summary of proposal-> Salis
B. Call to action (request for whatever authority you require to continue systems development) -> Salis
For Paper: Administrative Format:
Introduction -> Josh
Conclusions and recommendations -> Salis
Summary and discussion of facts and details
Tech background on the 3 choices-> Saroj
All Feasibility but economic-> Ankur
Economic Feasibility -> Salis
Methods and procedures
All Feasibility but economic-> Josh/Ankur
Economic Feasibility -> Salis
Final conclusion -> Salis
Appendixes with facts and details.
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