
this logbook should be used to record decisions

This logbook should be used to record decisions, ideas, work done by your group on this assignment. Each group should keep one logbook, which must be submitted along with your source code.

Each group member should be designated to act as Scribe for logbook. The workload should be apportioned equally.

Entries should be made in chronological order, and once entered, should not be changed (in real life, they would be written by hand into a book with numbered pages). Each time you have a group meeting, or a coding session, or make a significant decision, you should record this in the logbook.

Don't try to make it all up at the last minute!!

Not only will such an action defeat the purpose of the logbook, but it will be evident in your entries.

Before you submit this logbook, add a final Project Report that

  • Explains in easy to understand terms the design ideas behind your brain - e.g. Rationale? Tradeoffs? Decisions? How did you put your design ideas into practice?
  • Explains what you have learned about fuzzy reasoning by carrying out this assignment - e.g. what are the strong and weak points of fuzzy reasoning, based on your experience?
  • Reflective Practice. What would you have done differently and why? Issues and problems.

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Computer Engineering: this logbook should be used to record decisions
Reference No:- TGS0211336

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