This lab introduces basic network capture concepts using Wireshark.
You will need a PC running Windows for this lab and you will need to install the Wireshark software which you can download from the Internet or which you can get from your instructor.
From the Windows command line:
> ftp
> Webster:" this is username"
> password"abc123"
> mget wire*
> bye
2.1. Installing the Wireshark Software
• Run the wireshark.exe install program from the command window (wireshark.exe)
• Accept the default options. If prompted, DO NOT REBOOT YOUR PC. SELECT REBOOT LATER.
• When the installation is complete, and Wireshark is running, select a network interface via the top menu. (Capture | Interfaces)
o Open a command window and determine your PC's IP address via the ipconfig command.
o Select/Start the interface matching your IP address (Ask for help if you have multiple interfaces and don't know which one to choose)
o If packet capture begins automatically, stop or pause it (Capture | Stop).