ET332 Final
This item covers Modules 5-8. Scan, handwrite answers and upload solutions. Show all required calculations for full credit.
- Design a 16-Bit DAC Circuit
- Calculate the values for all resistors
- Include calculations and schematic
- Capture a screenshot of several input/output settings from the 16-Bit DAC Circuit
- For a Wien-bridge oscillator
- Given R = 50Kohm and C = 100nF what is the frequency of oscillation?
- Given a required frequency of oscillation of f = 10kHz and R = 8kohm, what should the value of C be?
- Calculate the signal to noise ratio given RMS Noise Voltage = 20mV and RMS Signal Voltage = 2.5V
- Calculate ETotalRMS given e21RMS = 5V and e22RMS = 7V
- Calculate SNR(dB) given a noise specification of 680nV
- Calculate the noise specification given SNR(dB) = 350dB
- For a simulated inductor application, to yield L = 75mH, R1 = 3kohm, and C1 = 200uF, determine required value of R2.
- For a constant current generator, with a saturation voltage = 20V and a current reference of 30mA, calculate RLmin.
- For a precision rectifier application, given EIRMS = 5V, determine EOpeak.
- For an AC to DC converter, given EIPeak = 10V, determine EI.