
This is why there is a separation between church and state

Religion and Criminal Justice

Absolute Divine Command Theory is the philosophy of morality and moral behavior, humans are subject to absolute standards which determines when acts are right or wrong and actions are moral and not based on any given rules. It follows the command of GOD which dictates right and wrong and is not based on the consequence of an action, or human nature, intent or character but is based solely on what GOD says (compellingtruth.org). Divine Command Theory is defined as the morality that is independent upon GOD and that moral obligation consists of being obedient to GODS commands which is required.

I do not believe that religion should play a role in the making of laws and policy in criminal justice because first, everyone in this country is not the same religion, there are religions and faiths in this nation and also different beliefs as well as people who do not follow any religion at all. Everyone has the right and freedom to choose and believe in what they want and these are backed by the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights and is what our country is founded on. This is why there is a separation between Church and State. There is not one religion such as Christianity, Islam, or Catholic, that this nation should base their moral codes and ethics on because we are all different, have different beliefs and faiths and should not be judged by what we believe in.

Religion might be used in rehabilitative practices such as having church services and programs in prisons and facilities which will provide inmates with the opportunity to ask GOD for forgiveness and learn good morals and ethics and change their lives around. This is very helpful in the rehabilitation process with a good support system, and religious beliefs and freedoms regardless of what religion or faith you believe in. I believe it should be used because me being a former correctional officer in a state prison, I have witnessed many inmates who have come into the prison system angry, lost, broken and very remorseful. Once they decided to enroll in church services or prison ministries, they have changed their lives around and have gained respect for themselves and others.

Williams, C. R., & Arriago, B. A. (2012). Ethics, crime, and criminal justice (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.


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Business Law and Ethics: This is why there is a separation between church and state
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