
This is what bloom must do in order to build the trust of


Self-awareness is an essential attribute to be a leader and improving relationships with others in the workplace. Having a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses in each individual will allows leaders to identify opportunities for development and personal growth. Trust and trustworthy culture are built through self-awareness (Lennick & Kiel, 2006). Your personality, emotional IQ, and communication style plays a part how you treat and build relationship with employees. A leader with high emotional intelligence are better at understand the needs and expectations of their people. They are able to properly motivate, challenge, and inspire their team to do a good job (Jaber, 2013).

My result for Leadership skills and communication skill were in the middle range. There's room for improve in all areas.


Jaber, R. (2013, January 2). Personality & Leadership. Retrieved from Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69JN5RrI_Og
Lennick, D., & Kiel, F. (2006). Moral Integlligence for Successful Leadership. Retrieved from https://learn.umuc.edu/content/enforced/115115-M_001034-01-2158/Moral%20Intelligence%20for%20Successful%20Leadership.pdf?_&d2lSessionVal=Oe6tovlt9wn9PmJpahmL7BkQd&ou=115115


Orlanda Bloom is most likely a natural introvert. This did not pose a problem in her previous role at GDD, but now that she is using an authoritative, commanding leadership style in her new position, she has truly set herself apart from those around her. She is concerned about a potential lack of respect, which she feels would be detrimental to her doing a proper job as Director. Therefore, she has made the mistake of putting organizational goals ahead of the feelings of the employees. Bloom needs to take a look around and see the negative mood that has developed since she became Director. Sending out an anonymous survey would enable her to see how she is perceived by those who work under her control. In a study conducted by the Ken Blanchard Companies, it was found that a successful leader needs to feel empathy for, understand, and build rapport with her employees in order to create an atmosphere of trust (n.d.). This is what Bloom must do in order to build the trust of her employees, which will, in turn, motivate them to be productive and committed workers.

Blanchard, K. (n.d.). Critical leadership skills. Retrieved from https://www.kenblanchard.com/img/pub/pdf_critical_leadership_skills.pdf

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