
This is the part addressed earlier that looks at how this


Important info:

Length: at least 5000 words (around 15-18 pages), typed, double-spaced, with one-inch (1") margins on all sides, using 12-pointfont likeTimes New Roman.

This will expand on the previous paper, completing the project-the end of this assignment includes the whole project. What this is notsimply adding onto the end of the previous assignment. Mostly likely, the bulk of what you're doing for this part of the assignment will come after what you wrote for the last part, as your work in the public literacy exploration acts as a setup for the practical, action-oriented part of this assignment; however, this will also require you to go back into parts of the previous section to re-work them-namely, the introduction, thesisstatement, and parts of the body-in order to make them fit into the project as a whole instead of only the previous part.

For this assignment, I want you to take the ideas you developed in the first assignment and apply them to the public in some way. This is the part addressed earlier that looks at how this public literacy might interact with the public-How does the aspect of your particular chosen public literacy affect what goes on in the community it addresses? How might your public literacy be used toaddress some issue within a public? What steps might be taken to increase education or broaden awareness on your particular public literacy within a given public? What ways does your public literacy respond to (or change because of) the changes in a public? Basically, what your doing is taking the ideas from the first assignment and putting them into practical action.As with the previous assignment, this will require research. The same research requirements apply to this assignment as the last one. Use the library well.

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Other Subject: This is the part addressed earlier that looks at how this
Reference No:- TGS01492903

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