
This is the most important component of your grade and is

Coca-Cola company

This is the most important component of your grade, and is worth 15%. Start immediately by picking a viable Global Strategic Management topic (that's always the hardest part), and clear it with me prior to submission. The final paper will constitute a comprehensive analysis and a 3-year strategic plan. While additional research is needed and anticipated, students are expected to address the specific concerns or decisions affecting the subject company and make pertinent strategic recommendations. The paper should take an analytical and consultative approach, and avoid the use of definitions of concepts that are already covered in the textbook. Industry terms or similar definitions would be best placed in a “Glossary” appendix. The paper must be submittedto the professor on the last day of class (hardcopy) and must follow/include APA style writing, citations and references, and its body should not exceed twenty-five pages in length. References and appendices do not count towards this total. The submission must include the statement of conduct, as described in the “Written Assignments” section of the syllabus. The final paper must include the following sections, and will be graded as follows:

a. Name of Company

b. Executive Summary

i. Provide a succinct overview of your strategic plan.

c. Vision Statement

i. Outline the vision of your organization. Craft a statement that is understood and shared by members of the organization, broad enough to include a diverse variety of perspectives, inspiring and uplifting, and easy to communicate.

d. Mission Statement

i. While your vision statement inspires people to dream, your mission statement should inspire them to action. Make it concise, outcome-oriented, and inclusive.

e. Business

i. Describe the primary business of your organization.

f. Team Members

i. Who are your organization's core team members? (Organizational Chart)

g. External Environment Analysis

i. General Environment

1. Analyze demographic, sociocultural, political/legal, technological, economic, and global factors that affect your firm’s strategy.

ii. Industry Environment

1. Industry Analysis includes analysis of your organization's industry, competitors, marketing strategy, and target customers.

2. Analyze competitors (existing or potential), customers (or buyers), and suppliers (including those considering forward integration) using:

a. Use Porter’s Five-Forces Model of Industry Competition.

b. Use The Value Net.

iii. Opportunity Analysis

1. List your organization's biggest opportunities.

iv. Threat Analysis

1. List your organization's biggest threats.

h. Internal Environment Analysis

i. Analyze your firm’s internal environment.

1. Use the Value-Chain Analysis.

2. Use the Balanced Scorecard Analysis.

ii. Strengths: Analysis

1. List your organization's greatest strengths.

iii. Weakness Analysis

1. List your organization's greatest weaknesses.

i. Strategic Goals and Objectives

i. Objectives are the specific, measurable steps that will help you achieve your mission. Develop objectives that are SMART: specific, measurable, achievable (eventually), relevant to your mission, and timed (with a date for completion.).

j. Strategies

The strategy must be decisions made by your firms regarding investments, commitments of resources, and other aspects of operations that will create and sustain competitive advantage. Involves questions about what businesses to compete in, and how to manage these businesses in order to achieve synergy – how they can create more value by working together than by operating as stand-alone businesses. Strategies must explain how your organization will reach its objectives.

i. Corporate-Level Strategy

1. Addresses your firm’s portfolio (or group) of businesses. What business(es) should you compete in? Your organization may diversify into related or unrelated businesses. How can you manage this portfolio of businesses to create synergies?

ii. Business-Level Strategy

1. These are the bases for sustainable competitive advantage through: Cost leadership and/or Differentiation, as well as Focusing on a narrow or industry wide market segment. i.e. How to overcome the five forces and achieve competitive advantage?

iii. International Strategy

1. What is the appropriate entry strategy for your organization? How will you go about attaining competitive advantage in international markets?

iv. Entrepreneurial Strategy

1. What is your firm's strategy to create value which will threaten existing competitors and change the competitive dynamics of the marketplace? How will you enter the market? How will you compete? How will you deal with the competitors’ reaction?

k. Implementation/Action Plan

Your action plan should specify in detail who will do what, by when, to make what changes happen. It may also note the resources needed, potential barriers or resistance, and collaborators or communication lines that need to be active.

• Ensures proper strategic control systems.

• Establishes an appropriate organizational design - coordinates & integrates activities within the firm.

• Coordinates activities with suppliers, customers, and alliance partners.

• How the leadership team will ensure organizational commitment to excellence & ethical behavior?

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Operation Management: This is the most important component of your grade and is
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