
This is the challenge of professional and academic work

Asset Recovery

Sunshine Health Corporation has acquired and merged with over 20 distressed or bargain companies in the past 15 years. As such they have collected several outdated systems that they can no longer use and have replaced with more efficient systems that streamline from the companies to Sunshine Headquarters.

Develop a document for assessing the decommissioned equipment from the different locations, collecting it and disposing of the equipment either in the form of revenue recovered or a benefit to the company. Equipment ranges from 5-15 years of age and works though is not current. All company information has been wiped already with hard drives wiped clean with the OS of the day.

The assignment should be 2-3 pages of content not counting title page, reference page or appendices (diagrams, budget sheet, equipment list, etc.). Please follow APA format. Use credible supporting materials to make your case. This is the challenge of professional and academic work, both require substantiation of the information. The resources support or refute the work.

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Business Management: This is the challenge of professional and academic work
Reference No:- TGS02865159

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