Short Essay
This is just a prompt to help guide you with your writing; you do not need to answer all of these questions. If you want to write about a different aspect of the readings and the film, you can do so, but make sure that it pertains to the film and reading: Did anything that you saw in the episode of Chelsea Does .... surprise you? What does it say about our contemporary moment and how we talk/think about race? Ethnic Notions provides much background information about African American stereotypes. You might have recognized some of the stereotypes, which still appear in cinema today. What do both of these documentaries say about racial stereotype and representation? One is obviously more current considering it came out this January, but what does it mean that they both discuss racial stereotypes in media representations? Remember to include a quote from the reading(s) in your DBP.
NOTE: The Film is Chelsea Does ... Racism, the third episode of Chelsea Does ... on NetflixI want a two discussions of 150 words in total of 300 try to answer some of the questions above for the first 150 and then continue the rest of the questions for the second 150