
this is concerned more with natures services

This is concerned more with nature's services which also make vital contributions to the welfare of society and to ecological processes without which our planet would be uninhabitable. Biodiversity contributes to varied ecosystem services that include numerous invisible but essential services. These are the recycling of elements such as carbon, oxygen and nitrogen and other nutrients, decomposition and waste dissipation, productivity and carbon storage, soil formation and fertility generation, reduction of soil salinity, water recharge, maintenance and raising of water table, enhancement of water and air quality etc. Other indirect uses including pollination, gene flow, carbon sequestration, absorption and breakdown of pollutants (in land, air and water), maintaining soil fertility by soil microflora, are important services provided by biodiversity. Biodiversity also acts as a buffer against excessive variation in weather, climate and other natural events (e.g. through flood control, storm protection, drought control etc.) and many more that are outside the control of human beings.

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Biology: this is concerned more with natures services
Reference No:- TGS0332173

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