
This is cause for great concern for countries like the

Recently, in the news the President of China has changed the rules for the election for president, his own position. Although, China's name, similar to North Korea name implies a Democratic Republic system, it couldn't be further from the truth. The Peoples Republic of China is essentially, a Communist state and any idea of a democratic or republican system only lies within its name. The current President of the Peoples Republic of China, Xi Jinping has recently changed the rules in their Presidential Election in which, he along with the legislature has stricken the rules for term limits for the presidential position (Bodeen 2018). 

Although, some claim this will put his position in-line with Jinping's other position as the party's leader and military ruler (Bodeen 2018). There is great concern for the leader to position himself as a communist dictator and rule with an "iron fist." Another question that comes into concern is the rights for the people of China. Considering right now, the country is doing well it seems to be brushed off and allowed for the change, however this may become an issue should the economy take a downturn (Bodeen 2018). This coincides with talk of Vladimir Putin's recent election and rumors that he may also remove term limits. Putin's recent re-election has been accused of election tampering, forced voting, and ballot stuffing.

This is cause for great concern for countries like the United States, who worry about the return of Communism. The adversary-like, one minute and ally, the next continue to cause problems with the relationships for those trying to assess the diplomatic status for those nations and raise the bar for the possibility of continuing conflict among countries, which can have an effect on the not only the immediate area, but the world.

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Business Management: This is cause for great concern for countries like the
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