Article : If Men Could Menstruate By Gloria Steinem, Ms. Magazine, October 1978.
This is an older article that promotes thought about gender and society, still relevant today.
You will submit a two-page subjective reaction paper to this article. It is your simply your reaction to reading the article.
The paper must be double-spaced, include 1" margins, with a 12 point Times Roman font, or a similar serif font.
Your name (only) should be placed in the upper left-hand corner of the paper. Do not place a title, header, or class name on the paper. Name only.
The Reaction Paper must be two pages in length.
The Reaction Paper must have 1" margins, 12 point font, and be double-spaced.
The Reaction Paper must have a clear and concise subjective opinion that is related to the reading.
The reaction paper must have your name (only) in the upper left-hand corner, and have NO heading, title, etc.
Attachment:- Article.rar