This is an information system assignment.
The Instructors:
Write and submit a detailed description of the information system chosen for the System Proposal.
- the system name,
- type of system,
- key system benefits, along with interrelations and interdependencies with other internal or external systems.
If there is an existing system to be replaced or upgraded, provide a description of the replacement or upgrade and the associated supporting technology. Also, include:
- a description of the system organizational environment,
- stakeholders,
- users,
- levels of management served,
- and the organizational culture for the system.
My choice of a system:
The Information System, I would like to create an web based Hypothetical System that allows the user to enter any Book title in Arabic language and get a full description of that book and its ratings by readers with a recommended online stores, that ship to the USA, to order them as a hard copy. The name of the system would be Arabic Literature Virtual Library (ALVL).