
This is an individual assignment the minimum penalty for

(1) This is an individual assignment. The minimum penalty for plagiarism is loss of marks for thisassignment. If this means that a hurdle requirement is not met, the student fails the course. Please read https://www.cs.rmit.edu.au/students/integrity/ for further information.

(2) For SQL; In the course of marking, queries may be tested on the database. Queries that do not execute without producing errors will receive very low marks (ie <50%). Please test your queries before submitting them.

(3) For SQL; It is frequently possible to write two queries that will produce the same result, however one is logically correct but the other is logically incorrect. Just getting the correct output will not get full marks. It is important that the logic of your query is also correct. Incorrect logic will result in a poor mark.

(4) For SQL; It is also possible to write two queries that produce the correct result and are also logically correct but one is significantly more complex and convoluted. Excessive/un-necessary complexity results in reduced marks.

Late Submission Penalty: WebLearn will remain open for 5 days after the Due Date for late submissions. A late submission incurs a penalty of 10% the total marks available for the assignment per day or part day late. As an Example, an assignment submitted at 2AM on Tuesday morning will incur a 20% penalty. Submission more than 5 days late will not be accepted.Briefly explain each of the following database terms. Use no more than 2-3 lines for each term.
1. Deletion Anomaly
2. Domain Constraint

Research Question.

The Join operation in SQL joins the data for from two table to make one intermediate table. Join expressions can be complex with multiple conditions to control the joining of tupples. In addition to standard joins, there are also specialiased Joins available.

For this task, you have to find out what a "Right Join" is. There are two parts requires in your answer.
• First describe what a Right Join does and what output it produces.
• Second is to given an example of when a right join woud be useful.
Note that you do not need to write any SQL to answer this question.
In most cases, you should be able to complete this question in a couple of paragraphs. Any answer over half a page long will attract a deduction.
There is no requirement to supply references for this question.

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Database Concepts Study Period 2 Assignment 2 Page 3 of 8 Due : 11:59, Sunday 10th August 2014Question 2. ER (25 Marks)
Members of a charity club raise money for projects by running fund raising events. To help run these events, corporations get involved and help with sponsorship. This database helps track all the information required.

• The club runs different types of events and each event is given an event id and and name.
• All projects have unique titles. A description for each project will be kept in the database.
• Each event is sponsored by one corporation and raises money for one project.
• A corporation can sponsor many events.
• Corporations involved with the club give their name, Australian Business Number and contact number.
• Many events will be run in support of each project.
• Members of the club volunteer to work on events. Typically, each member will work on several events at the same time. Of course, each event needs many members to run successfully.
• For tax purposes, the amount of sponsorship a corporation supplies for each event for each project must be recorded.
• Each event must be managed. One member will be allocated to this task, for each event. Once a member has been allocated to manage an event, that member cannot manage any other events.
• All members are in the database. Their membership number, first name, last name and date of birth are recorded.
Draw an ER Diagram that reflects these requirements. You must only use the symbols used in that reflects these requirements. You must only use the symbols used in the course.

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Science: This is an individual assignment the minimum penalty for
Reference No:- TGS01248784

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