This is an 18-month-old boy who was healthy until about 8 days ago when his mother noted reddened blotches on his neck and trunk particularly his upper back.
The smear is highly cellular consisting of superficial epithelial cells.
The patient should continue breastfeeding no dietary modifications are necessary.
Funduscopic examination No hemorrhages, exudates, or papilledema.
The patient states, Every time I bend at the waist I have a sharp pain in my left side.
DIAGNOSIS: Myocardial infarction “MI.”
Finger-to-nose testing is normal. said Dr. Edward Scheidelman.
The patient’s sodium level is 120 normal is 135-145.
Her abdominal exam on my exam was mildly tender with mild guarding.
Lab data shows total cholesterol 145 HDL 22 triglycerides 450.