
this is a predefined javascript object that is

This is a predefined JavaScript object that is accessible by the history property of a window object. The window. history property is array of URL strings that reflect the entries in the History object. The History object contains an array of URLs, accessible by the browser's Go menu, which the client has visited inside a window. It is probable to alter a window's current URL without an entry being made in the History object using the location. replace method. The History object has four properties and three methods as summarized here:


Summary for History Object


Define the URL of the current history entry.


Define the URL of the next history entry.


Define the URL of the previous history entry.


Reflects the number of entries in the history list.


Summary for History Object

Back( )

Loads the previous URL in the history list.

Forward( )

Loads the next URL in the history list.

Go( )

Loads a URL from the history list.


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PHP Web Programming: this is a predefined javascript object that is
Reference No:- TGS0416483

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