
This is a critical thinking amp analytical assignment which

Complete each of the following six essays: double-spaced, as a single MS-Word or rich text format document file, numbered consecutively; between 12 - 15 [Max] page range total, and without references listed. This is a critical thinking & analytical assignment which should be written exclusively in your own words & perspective. Only the fifth question will require an external website, as you develop your own individual & informed interpretation from the basis of our microeconomic course content...

Analyze your chosen topics in terms of your own economic understanding to date, by beginning with an underlined thesis statement (purpose) in the first paragraph of each essay.. Next, in each & every succeeding paragraph apply as many of the principles and theories from the textbook to your topic as possible. The final paragraph should reflect your conclusions. Summary or narrative description is valued less than substantive economic analysis...

You do not need to find current event articles, as you may simply write about a current microeconomic topic, firm, or market occurring during this quarter for each of the first two questions. The case studies in the Modules forum provide a broad range of appropriate topics to choose from for the third question. In the fourth question you will respond to a topical issue. The next question is taken from a website video & chapter summary. Finally, the sixth topic should carefully reflect the evolution of your own economic thinking throughout the quarter. The assigned topics are as follows:

1. Analyze an American (domestic) current event, firm, or market (~ 2 pages);

2. Analyze a foreign (outside of the U.S.) current event, firm, or market (~ 2 pages);

3. Analyze your favorite Case Study from the Modules Forum (~ 2 pages);

4. Assess which of the four product market structures that you find to be the LEAST desirable from an economic perspective, clearly explain your rationale, and provide such an example (~ 2 pages);

5. Go to the website: www.pbs.org/commandingheights and scroll to Storyline on your left. Select Episode II: "The Agony of Reform" for Chapter Summaries and watch the video (links in Week # 7 Module from You Tube). Analyze the how, why, & what type of microeconomic theories were applied in South America, India, Poland, and Russia to help stimulate their markets and promote business. Apply as much material from our course as it relates to & helps explain these historical experiences (~ 3 pages); and finally

6. Describe specifically how your economic thinking has been affected by this course and how you can best make use [apply] the central principles and theories which were studied. What is the main outcome from the course for you? (~ 1 page)

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Business Management: This is a critical thinking amp analytical assignment which
Reference No:- TGS01554805

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