This is a Creative Writing Activity. You should use personification of an object (in this case a chair) as inspiration to collaboratively create an adventure story for their character (chair). You should use visual qualities/features of the chair as their spring-board. The story will include a setting, a ‘problem'/conflict, and a resolution.
My question: reading the below story and make the continuing story for next part, and finish this story. (about 1 page) PLEASE. Finish this story by adding to and moving into the next section of the story and emphasize the part of Resolution/Solution for problem.
Word Choice:
1. Specific, rather than general nouns:
fish is a general noun whereas trout, guppy, eel and shark are specific nouns
2. Active rather than passive verbs:
have and went are passive verbs; clutch, cradle, trot and meander are active verbs.
3. Concrete rather than abstract vocabulary:
hope, pain, and freedom are abstract terms whereas sodden ground, or gust of wind use concrete language.
4. Sensory words evoke rich images-describing what see, hear, smell, touch, taste
Simile: comparisons using like or as
Metaphor: comparisons NOT using like or as
Hyperbole: exaggeration for effect
Imagery: description appealing to the senses
Repetition: repeating words or phrases to produce a rhythmic quality, or to emphasize the importance of a phrase
Humor: puns, irony, satire, hyperbole; ludicrous, absurd, or incongruous acts/images