Question: This is a bit of a different discussion post and it doesn't require you to respond to peers. One major component of the research project is the 'Mini Pecha Kucha' presentation. It is a unique style for slide show presentations that requires a strong grasp of timing. For this post, I would like you to watch 2 or 3 Pecha Kucha presentations on youtube . There are a few main components to consider when speaking in public: voice (volume, clarity), body language (gestures), pace of speech(pauses, effects), word choice, and visual support (slides).
For each Pecha Kucha you watch, please provide the "Title" and author, provide a short summary on the topic, and provide analysis of what you liked about the presentation -> specifically try to identify somethings you learned about the Pecha Kucha style from watching this speaker, perhaps tips or tricks on how you want to present yours. Consider the above aspects (voice, pace, slides, etc.) and analyze strengths/weaknesses of the speech. Your original response should be 300 words (100 or 150 words per PK), and no need for peer response this time. This final discussion post (!) is due by the beginning of class time on Monday.