Subject Name: Emotional Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence and Diversity
Assessment Title: Assessment 3 - Individual Design of a Professional Workshop
Assessment Description
This individual evaluative summary report requires students to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of Learning Outcomes 1 to 5 covering topics between Weeks 1 to12.
Follow the instructions below:
You are an independent consultant and are asked to prepare a Professional Development Workshop on one of the Topics discussed in Class Weeks 1 to 12. Develop an Interactive Workshop based on what you have learned in this Subject.
1. Part 1 of the Workshop should include and brief Introduction of the topic (approximately 500 words). Please note that Part 1 requires the Harvard Style referencing (min of 3 academic resources).
2. Part 2 consists of the actual Practical Activities of the Workshop (approximately 1000 words). You can be as Creative as you wish in Part 2 as long as you apply practically the chosen topic in the Form of a Professional Workshop)
3. Part 3 consists of Final Comments (approximately 300 words) summarising what you have hoped to accomplish by the Workshop. Parts 2 and 3 do not require any referencing.