
This idea of a kill switch seems like it is taking us

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A kill switch could certainly help an investigation. If an official has access to a suspect's device, then it would be far easier to collect evidence against them and prevent crimes. Is it worth it though? The level of outside control over everyone's technology is growing. This means that anyone who has access to one of these forms of tech can manipulate your technology without your authorization. I also would think that having technology like the kill switch would be against the 4th amendment since your accessing someone's secured private property without his or her consent. Regardless, this sort of action should be avoided.

I think that this is part of a huge problem with the recent escalation of government power. The Patriot Act of 2001 was one of the first signs of this growth in government power. Although there may not be support for a kill switch in this legislation, the Patriot Act gave the government more surveillance capabilities on the private population in an attempt to increase security and prevent terrorist acts. Even though a number of suspects may have been caught and stopped due to the bill, many have argued and wondered if the increase in security is a threat to individual rights.

According to The New York Times, "To libertarians and civil liberties advocates, the shift underscores an evolution in thinking about the risks and trade-offs of terrorism, a recognition that perhaps the country went too far out of fear and anxiety" (Baker, 2015). I can see why these people would be so concerned about their rights. It seems as if the government is making a push to constantly monitor us all in the name of security. Now it is often stated that such techniques are reserved only for the most dangerous security matters. However, we know that human beings are easily corrupted and often misuse power.

According to The Washington Post, "Trump sparked a new controversy in early March with accusations on Twitter that Obama had wiretapped his phones in Trump Tower in New York" (Wagner, 2017). The Bible talks about a world that is monitored at dictator levels in the book of revelations. It is said that you will not even be allowed to trade or buy without giving allegiance to the antichrist.

This idea of a kill switch seems like it is taking us further in that direction by offering more control of the population.

Therefore, I am against this idea of a kill switch. References: Baker, P. (2015, June 1).

In Debate Over Patriot Act, Lawmakers Weigh Risks vs. Liberty. The New York Times.

Wagner, J. Guskin, E. (2017, April 26). Partisans embrace damning accusations about Trump helping Russians, Obama spying on Trump. The Washington Post.

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