
This first part of your distribution report should be

Distribution Report Specifications 

From Soma-notes 


• 1 Student tips • 2 Fomiat • 3 Recording Authorship • 4 Part' • 4.1 Backgrotmd • 4.2 InstalbtionSttutup • 4.3 Bask Operation • 4.4 Usage Evaltatian • 4.5 Rcl4crices • SPartll • 5.1 Software Packaging • 5.2 Major package VaS1011S • 5.3 Initiarsition • 6 Past III

Part 1

The key goal of Part I is to report on the user experience welt your chosen operating system distribution. 

This first part of your distribution report should be divided into five sections that shouki be 1000-1500 words (4-6 pages excluding figures) in length If this portion is longer that is fine, except that the gradeis may stop reading soon after 1500 words/page 6. If you encounter difficulty generating sufficient tmterial, then you should talk with the TAs or the iastructor. 


This section should detail background information about your distribution. Please describe: 

• The name of the distribution, • its goals and target audience, ¦ who develops it, ¦ how it may be obtained, ¦ its appioxinute size, ¦ and its heritage (what other OS distribution(s) is it derived from 

Also include any other background afonmtion that you feel is reletant for understanding the rest of your report. 


In this section, detail how you got the distrbution up and running. Ideally, include a screenshot or two of die iistallatiantboot procedure. Describe the setup of the cirtualitation software you used, if any. Also detail any problems you encountered and how you overcame them (or didn't). 

Basic Operation 

Here descrin your experience in using your distribution for simple use cases. You should attempt to use the distribution for is intended purpose: if is not kusible, explain why but still do your best to use it in some capacity. Again, explain any problems you encountered. Also, if feasblc, include a screenshot of some typical or interesting activities. 

Usage Evaluation 

To what extent does your chosen distribution meet its design goals? Mut is your overall ingression of it? Re candid and specific in your critique or praise. References List all references used n proper bbliugraphie innt if any. Be sure to cite these sources in the nuin text as 

In this section, detail how you got the distribution up and running. Ideally, include a screenshot or two of the installation/boot procedure. Describe the setup of the virtualization software you used, if any. Also detail any problems you encountered and how you overcame them (or didn't). 

Part 2

Software Packaging 

How is software packaged for this distribution? 

¦ What packaging format and utilities arc used? ¦ How can you use these utilities to get a list of installed packages? ¦ How do you add and renvve packages? ¦ How extensive is the software catalog for this distribution? 

Please also include any other relevant information on the software packages associated with your distribution. Major package versions Report on the version :umbers and upstream source (URL of original source) for some of the major software packages included in your distribution as part of the standard instalk 

¦ Linux Kernel or other kernel ¦ libc ¦ X.org or other GUI foundation ¦ Major GUI wolkits (Gtk+, Qt, Motif, etc.) ¦ shell (bash, csh, etc.) ¦ utilities (k, ps, busybox) ¦ software packaging (rpm, dpkg, etc.) ¦ Web browser ¦ email ¦ other packages that are key to system usage 

Choose at least 10 packages that It into this list (you don't need to cover every category) and report the following: 

¦ What is the vintage of the included package? How old is it, and how tar is it behind the latest stable release tbr this package? ¦ How heavily has the package been modified by the distribution authors? (You'll need to figure out how to determine this.) ¦ Why do you think this particular package was chosen for this distribution's standard install? You may speculate, but please make an argument iffonned by relevant facts. 


Here describe how your distribution initializes itself Specifically, give an outline of what programs are executed and in what order. Also document bow you discovered this intbrtrration. You do not need to include every program; however, you should be able to identify at least five major programs that are nut 

Note that you should provide an explanation for how all of the major processes end up running on a hilly initialized system. 

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Basic Computer Science: This first part of your distribution report should be
Reference No:- TGS01486567

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