
This first assignment worth 20 points is using the

This first assignment worth 20 points is using the microscope simulator. It will require you to follow thetour and you should use the recommended checklist. You will answer the following questions and thenupload this document to the Moodle microscope assignment upload link.Define or describe in your own words (do not cut and copy from the internet!) the following terms orphrases:ParfocalParcentralCourseadjustmentFineadjustmentMicrons(micrometer)-Microscope iris diaphragmFieldof viewOcularmicrometer-1. Provide me with a very detailed description (with the little recommendations of goodmicroscope technique that the tour will describe) of taking the microscope from turning thelight on through having the letter "e" focused on High power (40X objective).PLEASE note the little red circle on these slides. Unfortunately, real slides do not have thesecircles that SHOULD be used as your guide as to whether the specimen is focused or not. Youwill be able to determine if you have the right amount of light and the specimen is focused ifyou have a very strong in focus little red circle (as the picture below demonstrates).2. Use the "try this menu" to use the following calibrations: 1 micrometer unit (the little hashmarks on the field of view ruler) equals 10 micrometers using the 10X objective; 1 micrometerunit equals 2.5 micrometers using the 40X objective; 1 micrometer unit equals 1.0 micrometerusing the 100X objective. Measure how wide the letter "e" is under the 10X objectivemagnification. Document the size by using this link for a screen capture program (free!) andinsert the picture below of a the letter in perfect focus using the 10X objective:3. Get the bacterial cell capsule focused under "oil" immersion (100X objective) using the followingas an example:Magnification (what objective)____________ size in micrometers ____________________4. Compare/contrast the onion root tip cells (there are different looking dark nuclei cells!). Pleaseprovide a size range in micrometer from the largest cells to the smallest cells both at the 40Xand 100X objectives. Document the size by using this link for a screen capture program (free!)and insert the picture below of a the letter in perfect focus using the 10X objective:5. Describe what cheek cells look like. Provide again a range of size in micrometer with the cheekcells both at the 10X and 40X objectives. Document the size by using this link for a screencapture program (free!) and insert the picture below of a the letter in perfect focus using the10X objective: 

Attachment:- microscope 1.pdf

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Biology: This first assignment worth 20 points is using the
Reference No:- TGS01280496

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