
This final project will require you to gather research

This final project will require you to gather research material, analyze it, evaluate it, and bring it together to act as support for your writing.

All options require strong critical engagement with both the focal primary text(s) and with the required peer reviewed sources.

General Requirements for the Project:

All submissions must:

use 3 peer reviewed sources in addition to whatever primary texts they discuss (and these sources must be used, actually cited, in the essay, not just listed in the works cited at the end)

be 1000-1500 words long

must be original to this class and assignment (no submissions from other courses and or previous forums are allowed)

be in MLA format and use MLA style citations (see The APUS Library MLA Guide for MLA formatting models; most of you sources will probably need to use the "Journal Articles" model)

BE CAREFUL that you do not create a cut and paste essay of information from your various sources; your ideas are to be the focus of the essay, and the research should only supplement and support your ideas. Also, take great care not to plagiarize; if in doubt, cite the source. MLA formatted essay.

These projects will be graded using the Research Project Essay rubric .

Gender Issues in Pygmalion and The Importance of Being Earnest: Describe Eliza in Shaw's play, and discuss how Eliza is treated by others within the play.

Does she appear to be marginalized?

What about the portrayal of the female characters in Wilde's play? Do these plays reflect issues that women may have faced during this time period?

To answer this question, you may use one or both of the plays assigned during week five.

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Dissertation: This final project will require you to gather research
Reference No:- TGS02617655

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