
This essay asks you to take a stand on a topic offer

Argumentative Research Paper- Essay

This essay asks you to take a stand on a topic, offer reasons and evidence in support of your position, and summarize and respond to alternative views.

Your goal for this paper is to persuade your audience. You should approach this paper with the idea that your audience is not on your side, and, therefore, needs to get a full picture of what this topic is all about, its background and the reasons that your views of this topic are valid and sound.

As explained by John Ramage's chapter "Writing a Classical Argument" from The Allyn & Bacon Guide to Writing, "The study of argumentation involves two components: truth seeking and persuasion. By truth seeking, we mean a diligent, open-minded, and responsible search for the best course or action or solution to a problem, taking into account all the available information and alternative points of view. By persuasion, we mean the art of making a claim [the thesis] on an issue and justifying it convincingly so that the audience's initial resistance to your position is overcome and they are moved toward your position" (391).

The final product of your paper will likely comprise the following components:

- A comprehensive introduction that draws the reader into the topic by noting its significance

- Body paragraphs that include background on the topic; positioning the issue in a certain context, such as contemporary culture, historical and societal, or religious context, etc.-whatever is relevant; alternative views on the topic; supporting evidence backed up by credible sources and your response to that evidence.

- A conclusion that is just as comprehensive as the introduction but that includes a voice and angle of looking at the topic now from a more knowledgeable perspective. After a long paper with wide-ranging information on the topic, the conclusion should not duplicate the introduction in its content. You have studied this issue, synthesized information, and written a serious paper about your topic; so reveal the greater significance to the issue, its place in our world, and what we should expect from this issue or how we should combat against or support the livelihood of the issue.

This essay should be written in the third-person point of view. In other words, you should not be writing any statements like "I think..." or "In my opinion..." Instead, you want to write in a more formal manner, using no personal pronoun sentences. The rationale behind this is that when one's personal opinions are announced, the tone and authority in the writing are dismantled a bit. Aim for a more formal tone. Do not use "I" statements and write out your contractions (instead of a sentence like the following: "I believe deforestation isn't healthy for our planet," you should write "Deforestation is not healthy for our planet."

However, if you are writing about a topic that you have personal experience with, which therefore makes you a credible source, you can include a paragraph of this personal experience (and use "I" statements because it will be necessary in that case).


1. 4 pages

2. A focused thesis that is recognizable within the first two paragraphs.

3. A minimum of 4 credible sources, 2 of which have must be from SSC's library database. The other sources can be from credible websites, personal interviews, or other helpful sources.

4. Wikipedia cannot be a primary source, meaning you cannot quote information from Wikipedia directly, but you may use Wikipedia to find helpful references that are found at the bottom of every Wikipedia entry.

5. Use a third-person perspective only. No "I" statements whatsoever.

6. Proper MLA formatting for the entire paper, including in-text citations, source material, and Works Cited page.

7. Evidence of critical thinking, reading, and writing.

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