
This case study looks at the introduction of a pet therapy

Please complete the Case Study on pages 324 - 328.

(You will have to download the Analysis ToolPak for EXCEL on your computer if you have not done so already. The instructions are on page 293.)

You will have to create two spreadsheets, (in one workbook) one for the patient survey results shown and one for the staff survey results shown. 

Show how you calculated the answers using EXCEL or SAS to the 4 patient research questions (page 326-327) and the 2 staff research questions (page 328) based on the data in the spreadsheets. 

Create charts and graphs to show the Patient Satisfaction and the Staff Satisfaction with the pet therapy program, generally, and based on specific criteria such as number of visits, age, gender, and  dog size.  

After you have created your charts and graphs and shown your calculations in EXCEL or SAS answer the following questions:

1   This case study looks at the introduction of a pet therapy program.  The evaluator looks at a number of variables including patient age, gender, and length of stay in the rehabilitation unit.  The evaluator did not look at the type of injury the patient had or the type of therapy they were receiving.  Do you think that this was a mistake on the evaluator's part? Why or why not?

2   The survey asks both patients and health care providers their satisfaction regarding the pet therapy program.  How do you suppose the concept of satisfaction was measured?  What are issues of reliability and validity associated with this survey questions?

This study found no statistically significant relationship between the number of pet visits and satisfaction with the pet therapy project.  What does this mean for the evaluation?  Suppose there was a statistically significant difference between number of visits and satisfaction.  What would this mean for the evaluation of the pet therapy program?

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Business Management: This case study looks at the introduction of a pet therapy
Reference No:- TGS02868230

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