
This assignment will focus on creating java server pages


This assignment will focus on creating Java Server Pages (JSP) and deploying them onto a Java Servlet Container. 

Server Info

The server for this assignment is the following:


Each of you has an account on that server.  You should be able to SSH to the server. Use your UTAD username as both login AND password (e.g., login: johndoe2, password: johndoe2).  The first time you login, you will be asked to change your password.  After you change your password, you will have to login again using your new password.

Please let me know ASAP if you have problems logging into the server.

In your home directory, there is a directory named "webapps".   Create a directory named
"cset4100(hw1" inside the webapps directory.   You will place all your JSP pages in the
"cset4100(hw1" directory. 

From your home directory:

  cd webapps
  mkdir cset41002hw1

Note: For security reasons the contents of your webapps directory will not be visible from the web.  So you must navigate to your JSP pages using the full URL as I have specified below.

Part 1 D Hello World JSP
For the first part of this assignment, you will deploy a simple "hello world" JSP page.  This page should display a simple hello world message.  In addition, your JSP page should look for a parameter in the request (GET) named "user".  If the user parameter is present, it should read
the name from the request and display a greeting to the user.  If the parameter is not present, it should display a generic "Hello World" message.

I will use the following URL to navigate to your JSP page:

Part 2 - HTTP Form (POST)

For this part of the assignment you will create a form ("form.html") and a JSP page to process the form and display the results.  The form should have two text fields: username and email.  When the form is submitted, it should be handled by your JSP page.  The JSP page should display the values that were typed in to the form.

I will use the following URL to navigate to your form:

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JAVA Programming: This assignment will focus on creating java server pages
Reference No:- TGS0650624

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