
this assignment will assess parts of objectives

This assignment will assess parts of objectives 2-6 from the subject outline:

1 Explain the principles of logical design

2 Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of various network designs

3 Demonstrate an understanding of network design by presenting their own designs

4 Share and promote own design by means of written communication

The assignment will focus on parts of the following topics from the subject outline:

1 Requirements Analysis

2 Flow Analysis

3 Design Taxonomy

4 Network Management

5 Network Security

6 Routing and Addressing

7 Technology Choices

You have completed the requirements analysis and the flow analysis for the departmental network infrastructure (Assignment 1). You are now ready for the architectural design for the entire network of the department.

This is a group assignment. It is to be completed in groups of three. The Requirements Analysis and

Flow Analysis completed previously should be used as a starting point for this project. This detail may be updated based on collaboration within the group, or based on other information which may have been made available. Your design should be based on your agreed set of requirements within your group.

Your task as the Network Engineering team within the IT group is to provide the logical and physical design, and have it approved by the review committee of the department.

You are to deliver a logical and physical design. The logical design is to include:

1. IP addressing scheme based on RFC1918 addressing,

2. Network and systems management and monitoring design,

3. Routing protocol design,

4. HA design - you need to propose a reasonable network availability SLA which will form the basis of your HA design,

5. WAN connectivity design

6. Security design for the network,

7. Performance design.

The physical design needs to show physical device connectivity for devices within the departmental network. You are not required to specifically identify product types, models or specifications.

Likewise, application hosts and workstations need not be specified, however IP addressing needs to be accommodated in the data centres for up to 100 servers.

The network design needs to accommodate all Australian departmental facilities as described in

Assignment 1. Your network design also needs to include security components, such as firewalls at the various departmental network boundaries; however, your design should not be limited to firewall functionality only.

All other connectivity is as defined in the earlier brief.

Your design needs to identify the management requirements for this type of network. You are to identify the traffic flows for management, and the management requirements.

Your management design also needs to include management systems software and hardware, including the minimum required snmp MIBs.

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Computer Networking: this assignment will assess parts of objectives
Reference No:- TGS0206763

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