
This assignment requires you to write an essay that follows


This assignment requires you to write an essay that follows the surprising reversal pattern. Keep in mind that, although your purpose is to change the reader's view, you are not writing a persuasive argument. You are not trying to convince a resisting reader that a particular value or policy is wrong. Instead, you are trying to expand the view of an open-minded reader by providing new information.

You must do four things to get full credit for the assignment:

Write an informative essay of 500-550 words.

Give the common view or, if you ask a question, give the expected answer to your question.

Present your surprising reversal.

Use specific details to make your ideas clear and concrete.

In addition, if you use outside sources, you must give credit to your sources. However, since we have not yet covered APA-style documentation in class, no deductions will be made for violations of format. You must, however, name the source of your information in your paper and list the source at the end of your paper. Deductions will be made if no attempt is made to cite the source.

If you use your own experiences as support for your thesis, this is fine-and you may use first- person words (I, me, my, mine). This tone is appropriate, since you do not want to refer to yourself in the third person.

This assignment may be revised.


Medical Marijuana is already legal in many states. There is now promising research into the use of marijuana that could impact millions of children and adults. It is available in several forms. Marijuana also has been shown to reduce chemotherapy-related nausea in cancer patients. It is also used as a treatment for glaucoma, which according to the Eye Surgeon's Association, the use of Marijuana, may reduce intraocular pressure. In another study published in 2012, by the American Academy of Neurology, found that marijuana, may be effective in treating schizophrenia and epilepsy, to name a few, which are caused by damaged nerves. Marijuana is it also used to treat HIV patients. There is also very little evidence that smoking marijuana as a means of taking it, represents a significant health risk. For some users, Marijuana leads to psychological dependence, but there is not sufficient evidence that Marijuana carries a risk of addiction. Marijuana is a medicine, that should be studied and treated like any other medicine. These days there is more public support for marijuana Law reform than ever before with new polls showing mora than half the Country is in favor of Legalizing marijuana.

Although, Medical Marijuana has a positive side, Marijuana does have side effects; these effects can interfere with attention, judgment and balance. Recent studies have produce conflicting results on whether marijuana carries a cancer risk. The dangers and risks of Marijuana use are very well known by the scientific community, even if they are downplayed by the Big Corporations to get rich off of Legalization. There is currently evidence that smoked Marijuana is harmful according to the FDA and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services. Besides there is no scientific evidence that the effect of marijuana decreasing pain is related to any analgesic effect, and according to some physicians, there are many analgesic medications available and to be more effective and safer for the treatment of chronic pain than marijuana. There is also evidence that Marijuana use can lead to addiction within the two years after first use.

Also the Legalization of marijuana increases availability of the drug and acceptability of its use. In other words, this is bad for public health and safety not only because marijuana use increases the risk of heroin use. The use of Marijuana in children and adolescent remains an ongoing concern; since marijuana alters brain development, with harmful effects on brain structure and function. Marijuana smoke, is also an irritant to the throat and lungs and cause a heavy cough during its use. It also contains toxic gases that can damaged the lung. Marijuana is also associated with airway inflammation; it also reduces the respiratory system's Immune response that can lead to pneumonia.

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