
This assignment requires the preparation of a number of

Assignment One - Management Products

This assignment requires the preparation of a number of Management Products used in contemporary Project Management. These can relate to a project which is either real or imaginary, but which is based in a project context within which you have some experience.

1A A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Prepare a WBS for your project under consideration, which fully demonstrates your understanding

1B Time Schedule and Resource Considerations

You are required to prepare:

1B-1. A task list clearly showing the task description, duration and dependency logic between the tasks

1B-2. A fully analysed hand drawn precedence network diagram.

1B-3. A fully developed Gantt chart in MS Project 2010 derived from your manual network.

1B-4. One clearly explained example of how the over demand for a resource might be resolved.

It is appreciated that the project considered in 1A above is likely to be too complex for use in 1B. A project here with approx. 30 tasks is likely to be sufficient to demonstrate understanding. So, either use a smaller project here or use a part of a larger project considered in 1A. You will be required to submit evidence of the use of project management software but this is not essential.

Assignment Two - A Critical Review of Project Management Practice

This assignment is an individual reflective assignment on your experience and work in this module. You are required to:

2A Reflect on your current understanding of project management in relation to the perceived best practice.
2B Critique the application of a project management technique of your choosing. Word count for Part A and Part B: 2,000 - 3,000 words

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Other Engineering: This assignment requires the preparation of a number of
Reference No:- TGS01150295

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