
This assignment requires students todevelop and justify an

Question: This assignment requires students todevelop and justify an appropriate strategic recruitment and selection process/plan for a specific position (we provide you with the position and relevant information about the position and the hiring organisation). Through your report you should, therefore, demonstrate that you can:

· Identify and describe the theoretical concepts and processes of strategic recruitment and selection;

· Interpret and analyse research in a critical manner; and

· Justify your rationale for applying the theoretical concepts and processes of HRM practice.

Background: As the HR Manager forOzStyle4U, you have been asked to generate a report document, which will support the effective and equitable employment of a suitable staff person in the role of Store Manager - Hobart. In particular, you are required to develop a strategic recruitment and selection plan to guide OzStyle4U.

The Queensland company - OZStyle4U - requires an effective recruitment and selection process for the employment of its first Store Manager in its Tasmanian ‘flagship' store scheduled to open in Hobart in 12 weeks' time. This is a full-time, ongoing position with career development opportunities. External recruitment is necessary, as no internal candidates have been found suitable or available for the position; and it is desirable to have the new manager commence within 9 weeks if possible. The aim is to allow the new appointee to receive a full induction into the organisation, and to participate in the recruitment of new store staff. The position description is below.

WhileOzStyle4Uhas a succession management plan in place, there are no internal candidates suitable for the position and therefore external recruitment is necessary.OzStyle4U'srecruitment is undertaken in-house by the HR Manager; therefore, external recruitment agencies are not used.

Assessment task: In your role as HR Manager forOzStyle4U, you have been requested to provide a report that describes and justifies the process of a strategic recruitment and selection plan for the hiring of the Store Manager - Hobart.

In order to write this report, you will need todraw on the theories and concepts presented in the prescribed text andresearch the literature on recruitment and selection processes to incorporate a minimum of eight (8)refereed/peer reviewed journal articles dated 2000 or later throughout your report to provide an academic justification for your arguments. Additional academic literature and the prescribed textbook may be referenced in addition to the minimum eight (8)refereed/peer reviewed journal articles. Magazines, web sites and Internet sources are not to be used. It is important to use refereed/peer reviewed journal articles as they (i) provide a theoretical framework to understand information, (ii) test assumptions and observations made about people and processes, and (iii) are a reliable and validated source of accurate information.

In developing a strategic recruitment and selection plan you should consider the following:

· Please note that a number of table templates have been provided and are available to download - please go to the ‘Assessment 2 Written Group Assignment' link. Templates are available for most of the required sections discussed below, and it is a requirement that these tables be filled out and included in your report. Most of these tables or a similar table can be found in your textbook, so you can use these examples to guide how you can fill out the tables.

Pre-recruitment: 1. Identify OzStyle4U's business strategy from the background and other information provided about OzStyle4U.Once you have identified the business strategy, the next step is to identify the staffing implications associated with such a strategy. Don't forget to justify and explain your choices.

2. Considering the nine elements of the staffing strategy, identify and explain/justify the primary choices that OzStyle4U should be making in relation to their recruitment and selection strategy. Note: that more than one choice can be made for each element e.g. the type of workforce might be core and flexible.

3. Develop a position (job) requirements matrix. There is an example of a job requirements matrix in the textbook, p.123.

Recruitment: 4. Propose an ‘employment value proposition' that OzStyle4U would be willing and able to offer to attract an adequate number of high quality applicants. This should be generally consistent with what you consider is the organization's business, HR/Staffing strategy and brand as an ‘Employer of Choice', as well as specifically reflect the results of a job rewards analysis for the position. There is an example of a job rewards matrix on page 129 of the textbook, please note that the job rewards matrix has some slight differences to the ‘employment value proposition' table you are required to do, but the job rewards matrix in the textbook is still a good guide that can be used when developing the EVP table

5. Develop recruitment communication/advertisement plan of approximately 150 words. The plan should include the key elements of information the company will communicate to prospective applicants. These words can be encased within a table, and so will not count towards the overall word limit.

6. Develop a sourcing effectiveness analysis. The proposed plan must include an appropriate sourcing approach and range of recruitment methods to attract potential candidates. There are useful tables to help with developing a sourcing effectiveness analysis on page 179-180 of your textbook.

7. Outline and justify an assessment plan based on a position (job) requirements analysis of the key accountabilities and person specification for the position. The plan must include the selection criteria (characteristics) of the position, a number of assessment methods (predictors), and the sequence and weighting for each assessment method. There is an example of an assessment plan for an accountant on p.289 of your textbook.

8. It is a requirement that one of your assessment methods be a panel interview. As part of this requirement, you also need to develop at least two structured interview questions, indicate the selection criteria/characteristic that each question will address, and develop a suggested answer and rating for each question.

9. Evaluating and choosing candidates - see the section on choosing candidates (p.325-329). What you need to do is make a decision on whether you will use the multiple hurdles approach, the compensatory approach, or a combination of the two. In this section, you need to justify why you have chosen the particular method.

Through this assignment you will demonstrate an understanding of:

· Strategic recruitment and selection processes

· How to use in-depth research to support and justify your arguments and thinking

· How to draw upon and accurately reference a minimum of eight (8) refereed/peer reviewed journal articles dated 2000 or later

· How to accurately cite sources in-text using APA or Harvard referencing style according to the Griffith University Referencing Tool

· Written expression, grammar, structure, spelling and punctuation

Rationale/purpose for this assessment

· To help you gain a deep and critical understanding of strategic recruitment and selection processes and its practical implications

· To extend your skills in independent research, critical thinking and report writing

· To support your academic writing skills, including the use of peer reviewed articles

Academic Writing Guide:
Write in third person.

One sentence is not a paragraph. Make sure you write paragraphs that consist of several sentences, with links between them.

No contractions/abbreviations, such as can't or won't, are allowed in academic writing.

No acronyms should be used without first spelling out the word in full.

Do not use any dot points or lists.

Do not include any direct quotations, where possible. A maximum of 1 quote is allowed, and if you use one, it needs to be referenced in-text with the exact page number that it came from.

Try to critically analyse what you are reading.

No new information is allowed in the Conclusion - it should simply summarise and strengthen the argument already provided throughout the paper.

· Use only APA or Harvard referencing style according to GU Referencing Tool.
Assessment Layout and Submission Instructions:

· Use a report format that includes headings and sub headings(To simplify your task do not include an Executive Summary or Table of Contents)

· Use Times New Roman size 12 font and double space your report

· Insert the cover sheet as the front page of your assignment

· Insert page numbers bottom right

· The assessment table is NOTincluded in the word limit

· Reference List is NOT included in the word limit

· Reference List should begin on a new page

· Word count 2200-2500 words

· Include word count after the reference list

· Submit assignment as a .doc or .docx file Note: Do NOT submit in a pdf format

· Save the file as SURNAME first name student number for identification purposes (eg: SMITHjane234567.doc)

· Submit electronic copy to Turnitin first to the DRAFT and then to FINAL submission point

Suggested Report Structure

1.0 Introduction - briefly introduce the topic (scope), the purpose of your report, and how it will be structured

2.0 Pre-recruitment

2.1 Business Strategy

2.2 HR/Staffing strategy/Talent Philosophy

2.3 Position (job) requirements matrix

3.0 Recruitment

3.1Employment Value Proposition (EVP)

3.2 Recruitment communication (job advertisement)

3.3 Sourcing effectiveness analysis (aka. recruiting source analysis)

4.0 Selection

4.1 Assessment plan

4.2 Panel interview questions

4.3 Evaluating and choosing candidates

5.0 Conclusion - briefly summarise the key points in relation to your recommendations

6.0 Reference List

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Dissertation: This assignment requires students todevelop and justify an
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