
This assignment is to research the tools and products that

This assignment is to research the tools and products that are available to assist in the data modeling portion of a database design. We have read and discussed how to take a data model and transform it into a relational database with tables, columns, keys etc. There are some automated tools that help us do that from the model. Your task here is to find at least 3 of those products and tell a little about each product. I need to see at least, the Company, general product information, cost and license information and cite where you got this information. I would expect at least a page and a half (preferably 2 pages) on this research paper.

You can search on 'data modeling tools' or something similar. This is a college research paper. Use proper grammar, research techniques, syntax, etc!

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Other Subject: This assignment is to research the tools and products that
Reference No:- TGS0668434

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