
This assignment is on the fundamental of semiconductors

Assignment -

This Assignment is on the fundamental of semiconductors (advanced level). Topics are fermi level, trap densities, carrier life time .. etc.

Eg = 1 eV and is temperature independent.

Nc = Nv = 1 x 1018 cm-3 at 300K. Nc and Nv have the temperature dependence as regular semiconductors.

me* = 0.2mo, mh* = 0.6mo, mo = 9.1 x 10-31Kg is the free electron mass.

Problem 1 - For the above semiconductor, we introduce acceptors Na = 6 x 1017 cm-3. Ea is 0.1eV above the valence band.

(a) Plot the Fermi level as a function of temperature from 0K to 1000K.

(b) We will introduce donors to keep the Fermi level in the middle of band gap, plot the required donor concentration (in cm-3) versus donor ionization energy Ed (in eV) at 50K, 300K, and 500K. The donor ionization energy Ed is defined as the energy difference between the donor state and the bottom of the conduction band. The plot should be in semi-log (i.e. log-linear) scale.

Problem 2 - Assume the hypothetical semiconductor is homogeneously doped to n-type with no = 1 x 1017cm-3 being the electron equilibrium concentration at 300K.

(a) Assume the semiconductor contains a trap concentration Nt = 3 x 1017cm-3 and assume the trap is a "donor trap with Ed = 0.4eV" meaning that the trap state is either charge neutral (when capturing an electron or emitting a hole) or charge positive (when capturing a hole or emitting an electron). Cpe = 1 x 10-10 cm3/s, Cph = 4 x 10-10 cm3/s.

Plot the lifetime for the excess carrier as a function of the excess carrier concentration from 5 x 1012 cm-3 to 5 x 1017 cm-3. Choose the appropriate scale (linear-linear, linear-log, log-linear, or log-log) for the plot to be most informative.

(b) Plot the probability for the donor traps to be occupied versus the excess carrier concentration from 5 x 1012 cm-3 to 5 x 1017cm-3.

(c) Assume excess holes at a concentration of 1 x 1016 cm-3 are injected from the left side of the semiconductor. Plot the hole current density (in Amp/cm2) over the distance (in μm). Assume the electron diffusivity De = 20 cm2/s and hole diffusivity Dh = 4 cm2/s.

Problem 3 - Assume an n-type semiconductor of length "L" is non-uniformly doped. L = 1 μm. Because it is an n-type material, you can assume that all the current is due to electron current (the hole current can be neglected). The electron current can be written as

Jn = eDn dn/dx+ eμnnE

The Poisson equation according to the Gauss law is

d2φ/dx2 = -e/∈ (Nd+(x) - n(x)) since we ignore the hole concentration.

Under zero bias (V = 0), Jn = 0 and the system is at equilibrium.

(a) Calculate the built-in potential at 300K assuming the electron concentration at the two boundaries of the semiconductor is n(x = 0) = 3 x 1015 cm-3, n(x = L) = 1 x 1016 cm-3,

(b) Derive a single differential equation for n(x). Note that the differential equation should contain n(x) only without other variables such as E or φ. The equation will be a nonlinear differential equation. (Hint: Use Einstein equation D/µ = kT/e ≡ VT).

(c) Assuming that the solution for (b) is n(x) = 3 x 1015 + 7 x 1015 (x/L) cm-3, find and plot the profile of the ionized donors Nd+(x).

(d) Calculate and plot the profile for the charge density ρ(x), E-field E(x), and potential φ(x).

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Electrical Engineering: This assignment is on the fundamental of semiconductors
Reference No:- TGS02555131

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