
This assignment is based on a specific organisational case

Report on aspects of HR planning

This assignment is based on a specific organisational case, WWF, which is undergoing some changes. These changes have created a number of challenges for HRM practice. Your task is to produce a report that sets out the steps involved in addressing one of the specific challenges faced by WWF in its move towards organisational restructuring and cultural change.

Case Study Overview:

WWF is a not-for-profit sector independent conservation organisation that recognises that the health and security of people, wildlife and the environment are all interlinked (https://www.wwf.org.uk). The organisation currently employs around 300 people, who work in the UK and Internationally. In a move to reach out to the local community, WWF has moved its headquarters from Godalming, which had been home for the Panda and WWF for 25 years, to Woking. The move to its new home, the Living Planet Centre, took place last year in October 2013. The new centre has been planned in partnership with Woking Borough Council. Unlike WWF' old premises, the Living Planet Centre LPC will enable the organisation to open up its facilities to the general public. The new building will have a visitors' centre and also an auditorium and education suite. The relocation is part of a five-year strategy that includes, the restructuring of four departments into three, following the merger of the fundraising department with the communication department to form the communications and fundraising department, and cultural change. The new strategy has meant redefining the unique features of WWF - its DNA. Below is an outline of WWF's strategic vision and initiatives to change.

The Context of Change:

Strategy and Vision:

• New defined DNA - unique features and values that are aimed at inspiring positive change.

o Connecting
o Leading
o Constructive

The new DNA was communicated to every member of WWF through different channels such as World Café Events, sharing positive stories, Panda's People Award.

• New office layout to encourage new Approach to Flexible working - e.g. hot desking, as well as the introduction of different forms of flexible working.

• Adaptable Working - putting organisational needs first.

o Organisational needs
o Team needs
o Individual needs

The move represents a number of opportunities and challenges from an HRM perspective. Below is a brief outline of some of these opportunities and challenges. You are provided with a more detailed overview of these opportunities and challenges in the BoB video presentation by senior members of WWF, including the HR Director of WWF.

Your task is to produce a report that addresses one of the following three challenges within HR planning that the organisation is experiencing as a result of the strategic change: Recruitment and Selection, Career Development and Talent Management, Engagement and Retention of Employees.

Recruitment and Selection:

1. There are new recruitment opportunities as a result of the move, turnover and redundancy -

a. You need to think about the job descriptions (called role profiles and classified in job families at WWF), how they should be designed to ensure fairness and inclusion, culture-employee-fit.
b. Will recruitment be based on behavioural competencies? "Success Factors" for the recruitment of the new positions, how will these be used?
c. The organization would like to increase its diversity, so what will you need to find out about your labour market and how will you advertise jobs to attract a more diverse workforce and why?
d. What are the selection techniques most appropriate for WWF's strategy?
e. Transition - induction to new staff, how do you make sure staff are settled into the organisation and embrace the organizations' values?

Talent Managementand Career Development

1. New behavioural competencies have been defined and incorporated in every staff member's 360 degrees performance feedback.
2. What opportunities do you offer to ensure continuous personal development?
3. What are the potential Learning and Development opportunities, Coaching and mentoring?
4. Think about promotion and progression opportunities (succession planning)

Engagement and Retention

1. How do you address issues of staff retention through the change transition?
2. How will you ensure that staff remain engaged through the change transition? So for example what new communication approaches could be introduced to enhance engagement - raising awareness of change, existing procedures and benefits such as time off in lieu.
3. What support will you offer existing employees through and post the transition period to adapt to the new location and culture.

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HR Management: This assignment is based on a specific organisational case
Reference No:- TGS01244579

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