
This assignment is a way to begin to evaluate how we are

This assignment is a way to begin to evaluate how we are now starting to think more thoughtfully and carefully about the impact of technology today. To complete this assignment you must identify a current, technology related news story (within the week) that you heard or read in the paper or online. Possible sources are CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, BBC, The Economist, Popsci.com, etc.

Your article/story must have to do with some type of technologicalinnovation, discovery, news, etc. and it should be of interest to you.

Choose your article and read it. Summarize the article in a few paragraphs and then type your general reaction to what you read thinking about what you have taken from this course thus far and the way that not only you, but others think about technology and innovation. You may choose in your reactions to discuss topics such as; pros and cons, the law of unintended consequences, the type of technology it is, effects on society, etc.

Your paper should range from 2-4 pages and you should be sure to site the source of your article. You will submit your paper through the ASSIGNMENT function on Blackboard by clicking the"Technology Today" link above.

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Humanities: This assignment is a way to begin to evaluate how we are
Reference No:- TGS0630098

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