
This assignment fulfills module objective 2 evaluated the

Health Assignment


You cannot make a successful plan to improve wellness without understanding your current state of fitness. This assignment fulfills Module Objective 2: Evaluated the importance of physical activity in everyday life, and Course Objective 1: Explained the concepts and principles of wellness.

The Assignment

Complete a pre-physical fitness evaluation to include:

1. 12 minute run
2. Sit-ups
3. Pushups
4. Body measurements
5. Sit and reach test
6. Standing long jump

Report the results of your evaluation and comment on them. What surprised you about your results? What did not surprise you? How do you feel about these results? Some students have a difficult time including exercise into their busy lifestyle. Discuss how you plan to incorporate exercise into your daily routine.

Formatting Requirements

• Use one-inch margins.
• Use a 12-point Times New Roman font.
• Use double line spacing in the document.

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Biology: This assignment fulfills module objective 2 evaluated the
Reference No:- TGS02237157

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