
This assignment covers the in-depth theoretical concepts

Assessment Details

Details of Each Assessment Item

The assessments for this subject are described below. The description includes the type of assessment, its purpose, weighting, due date and submission requirements, the topic of the assessment, details of the task and detailed marking criteria, including a marking rubric for essays, reports and presentations. Supplementary assessment information and assistance can be found in Moodle.

KOI expects students to submit their own original work in both assignments and exams, or the original work of their group in the case of group assignments.


Assessment Type: Written Report - individual assessment

Purpose: This assessment is designed to reinforce the subject content and develop students' skills and application of knowledge of the subject content to business situations. This assessment relates to learning outcomes a, b and c.

Topic: This assignment covers the in-depth theoretical concepts with some practical accounting task application based on the topics from the subject.

Task Details: This assignment requires a consideration of accounting theory concepts with critical analysis with application to General Purpose Financial Reporting by corporations. Students are required to prepare a comprehensive report directed to an Australian ASX Top 100 listed corporation detailing a critical analysis of the effectiveness of the corporation to meet the obligations of the conceptual framework of accounting.

Weekly Progress Report: Your lecturer / tutor will assign each student specific weekly targets. All students must demonstrate to their lecturer / tutor each week (weeks 2 to 6) that their tasks are on schedule. The purpose is to ensure students do not leave the task till the last minute.

The Summary Report: should include data extracted from the General Purpose Financial Report relevant to the material analysed.

Company selected - Glaxo smith Kline.

You have to prepare report from recent Financial reports.

points should address: how should company deal with information in B/S and I/S contrast between internal and external resources and closures AASB contingent liability (put screenshot) conceptual Frame work(Focus base) refer auditing knowledge in this assessment from financial reports.

significant accounting policy Extract what their Directors or auditors says(likelihood of success) talk about disclosures of contingent liability use index. look company's web and sustainability reports. depreciation and industry issues statement of significant policies

Attachment:- ACCOUNTING THEORY.rar

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Accounting Basics: This assignment covers the in-depth theoretical concepts
Reference No:- TGS02733598

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