
This assignment asks you to write a brief summary of a

Assignment -

Submit a 2-3 page summary of a research article on a topic of your choice relevant to the scope and objectives of the course.

This assignment has the dual purpose of giving you an opportunity to take a closer look at a course topic that directly relates to your current or desired industry, as well as developing your practical research skills in such a way as to enhance your competitive advantage as a manager. See the Research Brief tab under Course Home at Brightspace for full details.

Research Brief: Detailed Instructions

This assignment asks you to write a brief summary of a published academic research article on a topic related to our course that interests you. Your Review will be based on a recent (within the past 18 months) academic research article (one that reports on a study conducted by the author(s), not one that is based solely on opinion; the best way to tell is that a research article will always include data analysis - of survey results, focus groups or interviews or a database analyses; contact the professor if you are unsure if your article is a research article; non-research article reviews will not be accepted for grading) related to one or more of the following topics:

Some Suggested Topics

  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Sustainability
  • Community related topics
  • Human Resources & Diversity issues
  • Humanity related topics
  • Product related topics (safety and responsibility related topics)
  • Health & Wellness
  • Business Ethics
  • Green Building
  • Philanthropy & Corporate Contributions
  • Volunteerism
  • Environmental performance
  • Waste related topics
  • Water related topics
  • Eco-innovation related topics
  • Social and Environmental Reporting (reporting assurance, transparency)
  • Renewable & Alternative Energy
  • Corporate Governance related topics
  • CEO and Board of Director CSR issues
  • Social Entrepreneurship

Required Format for Research Brief -

Your research brief must be your original work written in engaging language that blends empirical research results and practical advice/examples in a format that facilitates fast knowledge acquisition and long-term retention. Write your review in language that is non-technical (without jargon) and conversational, making sure that you use proper business English. Imagine that you are sitting across the table from a manager and have just been asked to explain this research article and its practical application to her. Use the following format and don't leave anything out:

1. Writer's Name and topic of reviewed article:

2. Research Brief Title: Your Research Brief should have a descriptive and engaging title that is not the same as the original article title

3. Analysis Of: Put the original article title here, in proper APA style.

4. Key Points:

  • The first bullet should be an "overview" statement for your review.
  • The following bullets should follow the main arguments in the article, so that a reader gets a preview of all of the important points being made in the article.
  • Each key point should have its own bullet, and all ideas appearing in the key points should also be made in the body of the article.
  • Each bullet must have a maximum of 25 words and end with a period.
  • There should be 3-5 bullets in total.

5. Overview:

  • The overview should contain 30-50 words explaining your review in engaging terms that a businessperson will understand and enjoy.
  • The overview may follow the key points.
  • Please remember to write as though you are speaking directly to a manager, not a professor.

6. What the Research Shows:

  • In this section, please tell the manager what the data analysis in the article found, in layman's terms. If there is no data analysis, you are not reviewing a research article and you will need to find a new article as only research articles are eligible for this assignment. A research brief of any other type of article will not be graded.
  • This section contains 200 words maximum and must include the name of the journal where the research appeared (in italics), where the author's work, where the data came from, how it was analyzed and what the empirical findings were.
  • At your discretion, this section may also include mention of any context needed for the empirical findings to make sense to a businessperson.
  • Please place one empty line between paragraphs.
  • Every paragraph of the entire research brief should be left justified with no indention.
  • Use endnotes that include numbered, full APA formatted citations for any in-text references/cites.

7. Why This Matters:

  • In this section, tell the reader what the research findings mean to someone leading an organization/managing people. How can it make them more effective? How can it help their teams or organizations perform better? Why does this research matter to them?
  • This section must be between 200-350 words and must include well-crafted managerial implications of what you took from the article (rather than from the original journal article itself). Include at least one example from business practice that names specific companies and/or business leaders. This may come from the article or from your own research.

8. In Conclusion:

  • In this section, wrap things up and highlight one significant idea or learning point from the related media/links (see 9.) that you have found (so readers are referred to the links).
  • This section must be between 25-50 words.

9. Related Links: Provide links to at least two related and relevant, quality third party articles (not including the article you are reviewing), videos or websites.

Article - Employees' Participation in Corporate Social Responsibility and Organizational Outcomes: The Moderating Role of Person-CSR Fit by Seunghee Im, Yang Woon Chung and Ji Yeon Yang.

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Dissertation: This assignment asks you to write a brief summary of a
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