this assignment aims to provide the opportunity

This assignment aims to provide the opportunity to integrate and develop your analytical and written communication skills, and speci?cally to:develop your skills at developing test plans,

  • develop your at developing test cases, and
  • develop your ability to present a coherent professional report detailing the a test plan.


The analysis phase of a system development project has ended and the design phase is beginning. Working on the Real estate multiple listing service system case study develop a test plan including test cases for the system. Assume that the testing phase will take place over a 4 week period. As well as yourself, you will have two other - similarly skilled - testers on your team.


Your submission will take the form of a report that will include:

  • A test plan, and
  • A set of test cases for one of the major uses cases detailed in the system requirements speci?cation.


The audience for this submission is primarily technical. As a result the plan you create will need very little explanation, you can assume the reader is UML literate and also understands the nature of software testing. The test cases should contain space and places for the test results to be recorded. The plan should contain the following sections:

Letter of transmittal This letter should be attached to the outside of the report and should explain who has produced the report, the reason for the report, why it was written, for whom it is intended and even the main ?nding/outcome if it is appropriate or signi?cant. This letter should be a maximum of one page.

Executive summary This is a summary of the report. It is to be a maximum of one page. The client will read this section ?rst to determine what parts of the report they need to read thoroughly. Any signi?cant ?ndings or contentious issues should be mentioned to direct them to the relevant sections.

• Table of contents Page This section must accurately identify all major sections and headings with page numbers.

• Introduction This section details main features of the system test plan.This will include an overview of the schedule and milestones.

• Resource requirements This section will list the required hardware, software and staf?ng requirements.

• Features to be tested This section will list the system features to be tested and also the aspects of the system that will not be tested.

• Test plan This section will contain a description of how the tests will be performed, when they will be performed, and who will conduct them.

• Dependancies and risks This section will outline the major dependencies and risks.

• Test Cases This section will contain the test cases for one use case selected by you from the case study. (Normally - of course - test cases will be developed for the entire set of use cases, however, doing that for this assignment would require more effort than is reasonable for 20% value. The plan should assume that all uses cases will be tested.)

• Recommendations and conclusions The summary will contain any conclusions and recommendations, such as which aspects of your system are most critical and why.

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Software Engineering: this assignment aims to provide the opportunity
Reference No:- TGS0207705

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