
This assessment task requires a critical analysis of the

Task Description

This assessment task requires a critical analysis of the two different perspectives of Australian colonisation. Throughout the semester I have provided you with the Indigenous version of Australian colonisation.

You are to use your research skills which you have developed over the semester to research the Western version of Australian colonisation and critically analyse the two different versions. Critical analysis is an existential skill to develop in academia.

It is crucial to all academic writing. It involves you thinking critically about your topic and your sources. To think critically you need to remove emotion from your thinking and apply logic and reasoning (a very Western concept) while you deconstruct your source. You need to develop your argument and provide credible academic sources to substantiate that argument.


You will need to read the weekly readings that I have provided throughout the semester and carry out research to find other sources of information to assist you in the process of your critical analysis. You are to have a minimum of 12 credible academic references. Academic
references include journal articles which can be found in the library's databases, books (found in the library), historical documents and old newspapers. Wikipedia is NOT a credible academic source and if used will incur penalties.


1. Before starting to write the essay ensure you understand what the question is. Always have a sticky note stuck to the top of your computer with the question written on it. This will ensure you stick to the question.

2. Read all relevant literature. That is, literature we have provided you and your own research.

3. Decide what your argument is going to be and how you will go about constructing this argument. i.e. what academic evidence do you have to substantiate this argument.

4. Ensure your introduction clearly outlines your essay. That is, the introduction outlines what the question is and what your argument is and how you are going to prove this academically.


6. Make sure the body of your essay actually says the things you have stated in the introduction and does so in an academic manner.

7. Make sure you write an analysis. Academic writing is not conversational, journalistic or emotive, it is analytical. If you do not know what analytical writing is look it up.

8. Reference all your work. In an essay of this size you should not be using direct quotes. You need to paraphrase and then reference the work. If you do not know what paraphrasing is look it up.

9. Each paragraph must have a central theme. It needs an introductory sentence and the paragraph must flow. Do not write a series of statements. Ensure all your sentences link to one another and each paragraph links to the previous and the next.

10. Your conclusion must conclude your argument. That is you must state what your argument was and how you have proven it. DO NOT introduce new information into the conclusion.

11. Please DO NOT hand an essay in that you have not read OUT LOUD to yourself and proof read.

A well written essay will take the marker around 20 minutes to read. A poorly written essay will take the marker around an hour to read.

Your argument must be obvious to the marker.

APA referencing is preferred. No work should be submitted without an appropriate reference list and in-text referencing that correctly acknowledges the source of information and ideas used in the text of your assigned work.

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Dissertation: This assessment task requires a critical analysis of the
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