
This assessment requires you to use knowledge gained from

This assessment requires you to use knowledge gained from your Inquiry units to date and to identify and critically analyse your chosen scenario within practice, ethical and legal context; outline how you would respond to the issues presented by the scenario, and identify at least two the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) standards developed for use by all health service organisations within Australia (Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, 2012) that relate the scenario chosen. Use best practice evidence to outline your reasoning.

There are 6 key parts to this task that are required to address. It is essential that you incorporate evidence based literature and research to support your work:

1. An introduction and conclusion(150-250 words)
2. Identify the practice issues in the scenario. What tools for ensuring patient safety were used or not used? (200-300 words)
3. Identify the ethical issues legal implications presented by the scenario. What ethical principle(s) were upheld or violated? What is the legislation that relates to the scenario? (300-400 words)
4. Identify what action you would take in response to the scenario to ensure safe practice aiming for a favourable patient outcome (100-200 words)
5. Identify at least one National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) standards that relate to the scenario and outline its significance to practice (200 words)
6. Presentation. Overall presentation reflects accepted academic conventions
Chose one of the following two case studies:
Reflections of senior student Registered Nursing students.

Case Study One:

'On one occasion I happened to be working with an agency nurse on a morning shift and we were notified by the coordinator that one ofnuur ensured patients wall our as being discharged to beeping home early that morning. My nurse buddy d other patents had seen/attended to in order for us to have more time to organise and prepare our patient for discharged. According to our patients care plan there were only two simple dressings that needed attending post bed wash-unfortunately we discovered in fact that this patient had seven pressure sores, however this had not been identified or documented. This subsequently resulted in a delay in the transference and discharge process as well potentially impacting
the patients' quality of care'

Case Study Two:

'I was assigned W patient in an orange carded room in the acute care ward. My mentor had taught me that I was supposed to follow all the precautions for an orange carded room before entering. However, I noticed that my mentor and other health professionals such os doctors and nurses were entering the room without following any precautions. I also noticed

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: This assessment requires you to use knowledge gained from
Reference No:- TGS01573896

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