
This assessment involves four annotations based on the

Question: Annotated bibliography on the topic of ‘sexual harassment in the workplace'

Assessment Task 1: Individual Assignment

Assessment Details: This assessment involves four annotations based on the topic of "sexual harassment in the workplace". This assignment is an individual work. Every student needs to find four academic sources in English on the given topic (a minimum of three must be peer-reviewed journal articles, and the fourth may be another journal article, a textbook or a major report).

Every student must submit the assignment using the Moodle portal having a dedicated assignment submission link titled: Annotated Bibliography. The word count for this assignment should not be more than 800 words (10% plus or minus acceptable) (excluding references). Beyond the recommended threshold of words, word counts penalties may be applied. Refer to your course description on how to develop your annotated bibliography assignment. Make sure that you understand what plagiarism is, and ensure that your work is original and that paraphrased material includes in text references.

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Dissertation: This assessment involves four annotations based on the
Reference No:- TGS02755817

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