
This 12-slide presentation conveys the most important

Asignment 4: Presentation

Company name (Brisk Stir)

After you have fleshed out your business plan you will have the information you will need for a slide presentation (e.g., PowerPoint). This 12-slide presentation conveys the most important aspects of your business in a short time. More sophisticated investors, such as angel investors and venture capitalists, will typically not look at your written business plan until they have seen your slide presentation.

Presentation (MS PowerPoint or equivalent)

1. Create a 12-slide presentation. Follow the outline on pp. 343-346 for the critical slides of your presentation and their placement. Click here for help accessing a specific page number in your eBook.

o Hints: Include the highlights of your elevator pitch, which shows that you understand your business. The elevator pitch is a concise description of your company-its product, market, competitive advantages, and so on. Whether pitching your business to an investor or describing it to a potential connection at a networking event, you need to be able explain your business succinctly to someone in the amount of time it would take to ride up a few floors in an elevator. Use the worksheet in the text (p. 362 | Your "Elevator Pitch") to develop your elevator pitch.

o Hints: You must limit your presentation to twelve (12) slides. You do not want to overwhelm your audience with too many slides or bore them with information they already know.

2. Cite three resources you have used to complete the exercise.

o Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length

o Company name (Brisk Stir)

o Business Plan-draft below for reference

o G. Ristovska, Dimitrovska, M.and Najdenkoska, A. (2012) Safety Issues Associated with Nonalcoholic Beverages Retrieved fromhttps://www.foodsafetymagazine.com/magazine-archive1/junejuly-2012/safety-issues-associated-with-nonalcoholic-beverages/


4. Many beverage products have negative health impacts on certain segments of a population Suggest your company's plan, through advertising, distribution, and / or other methods, to target and reach only appropriate market segment

Nonalcoholic drink ingredients include fruit, juice, sugars and starches, and additives, like sweeteners or preservatives. Additives are defined as substances added to food to maintain quality, texture, consistency, appearance, taste, alkalinity, acidity, etc. Some additives have adverse health effects in humans and have been banned for use in beverage production. International standards and national legislation prescribe detailed rules for the mandatory labeling of additives used in a product to enable informed choices by consumers and avoid consumption of additives when necessary. Beverage consumption is still a controversial issue for public health and public policy. As a result, increasing emphasis is being placed on the health properties of beverages, by both the industry and the consumers, for example, in the expanding area of ready to drink beverages. Extensive legislation has been put in place to ensure that soft drinks manufacturers conform to established national and international standards. The company with be in compliance with that legislation and will seek to ensure that its are safe and are of the upmost quality. The company will also provide consumers with information that can help them to make informed decisions about the purchase of its products and that the information on product labels is not false or misleading (G. Ristovska, Dimitrovska, M.and Najdenkoska, A. 2012).

3. Determine any health issues / claims related to the product you are making, whether negative or positive. Suggest the strategy your company will use to mitigate any negative issues, and to ensure any positive claims are true.

The place you work can affect the environment either positively or negatively to a very large degree. How eco-friendly the company is when it comes to using energy to heat and cool the building, to bring products into it, and to remove waste from it has a major impact on the community and the environment. You may be surprised by some specific examples of ways the product industry damages the environment: The company's goal is to produce higher standards of living and quality of life for the communities that surround them and still maintain profitability for stakeholders. To mitigate any negative impacts to the environment, federal and state regulations require businesses to consider certain natural environmental factors in their overall operations plans. Business permit requirements enable government agencies to regulate and keep track of business activities. These permits serve different purposes, some of which include setting minimal standards for any air emissions, dictating certain procedures for handling waste and hazardous materials and regulating how a company's day-to-day operations interact with nearby water supplies. The company will operate within strict compliance with The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act which holds business owners liable for activities that contaminate surrounding air, soil or water supplies (Jeanty 2008). This law even applies for new business owners who unknowingly purchase a contaminated site or purchase an operation that fails to meet compliance standards. Ultimately, owners, both old and new, must cover clean-up costs as well as the costs of restoring a property to required environmental standards.

2. Discuss how your company's activities will affect the environment and identify the steps you will take to mitigate any negative impacts.
Corporate citizenship involves the social responsibility of businesses and the extent to which they meet legal, ethical and economic responsibilities, as established by shareholders. The demand for socially responsible corporations continues to grow, encouraging investors, consumers and employees to use their individual power to negatively affect companies that do not share their values. All businesses have basic ethical and legal responsibilities; however, successful businesses establish a strong belief in corporate citizenship, showing a commitment to ethical behavior by creating a balance between the needs of shareholders and the needs of the community and environment in the surrounding area. Some ways that Brisk Stir in committed to being a good corporate citizen is to include goals in our business plans for recycling, reducing waste, using less energy and contributing to local charities. The ethical consideration involves recognizing that the company and its employees are members of the community and have a responsibility to be positive contributors to the well-being of the community and to protect the environment.

1. Describe the ways in which your company is committed to being a good corporate citizen.

2. Create an Ethics & Social Responsibility Plan

Unlike the alcoholic beverage market, non-alcoholic beverage market is crowded since it has so many customers. It is also significant to acknowledge that the market should be handled with the most relevant strategies. The marketing plan is to introduce a healthy great tasting tea while enhancing the creation of an image that this is a new and unique product that most of the customers will want to have a taste. The majority of consumers are curious about new products and always want to know how they work (Rogers, 2012). Consumers are already used to the products offered by Coca-Cola Company and Pepsi, and therefore they would like the twist of a new product to feel the difference. The company will, therefore, need to ensure that its product will be highly satisfying in order to sustain already attracted customers and help in gaining a portion of the market share. The sales strategy will be to focus on narrowing the product down to this economy class. The product offered by the company is a great tasting tea that has no demographic properties restrictions. The United States has other businesses supplying non-alcoholic beverages to the market, and the company will, therefore, intensify marketing efforts to keep up with stiff competition. It is critical for a business providing its commodities in a market covered by stiff competition to have a precise definition of its target market so as to have specific strategies for marketing. Such a move is highly recommendable since it increases the chances of having relevant and working marketing strategies. Successful organization in the presence of competition needs to understand its market clearly before coming up with a marketing plan (Sirsi, 2013).

5. Marketing Plan & Sales Strategy (Assignment 2)

Every business will have its unique level of market competition that depends on existing competitors and nature of activities within such organization. For the non-alcoholic beverage market, competitive firms include Pepsi and Coca-Cola that are very well established for being in operation for a long time, having loyal customers and commanding majority of the market. This business, therefore, offers very stiff competition for a new beverage firm in the market making it difficult to craft marketing strategies. Any market that has a similar organization that are already established make it hard for a new competitor to thrive (Rogers, 2012). The new beverage company, therefore, needs to come up with other strategies to have a share of the market already taken by leaders. One of the most efficient approach, in this case, is coming up with an acceptable beverage. Pepsi and Coca-Cola Company makes it difficult for new entrants to find a position in the market but with creative strategies, it is possible to have a share of customers. To make a difference, a new business in a market dominated by competitors must come up with new strategies (Luther, 2011). It is during the process of analyzing the market that hidden factors can be revealed and assist the marketing department in coming up with unique approaches that are more efficient than the ones used by a competitor. The introduction of a healthy tea that has less sugar and great taste as the strategy is therefore very effective strategy since the product is different from what competitors of beverage product are offering.

The target market is those consumers in the market that a firm chooses to focus on starting with its marketing strategy (McDonald, 2015). Many customers can consume products for a beverage company, but analysis of the target market is critical. It is necessary to segment the customers regarding demographics and come up with a target market. The company in this case study will focus on all individuals in the continental United States. There will be no segmentation of customers regarding age since everybody is eligible to consume non-alcoholic beverages. Other segmentation factors such as gender, ethnic groups, and education level are also irrelevant in our market analysis process since they do not have an influence on the customer consumption habits of non-alcoholic beverages. Unless a person has health restrictions, everybody in the society can consume this product. Middle-class individuals of the economy will be the major target since they form the highest potential of consumers (McDonald, 2015). Competition (Assignment 2)

4. Target Market (Assignment 2)

There are various risks that the company may face in the process of conducting its business. For example, the firm may face low sales at the beginning. To mitigate such risk, the firm will use a variety of cross media platforms to market its products. The company may also face legal problems due to the FDA regulations. In order to mitigate this risks, legal teams, risk management functions and operational business units must work together to collaborate on regulatory compliance and ethical issues, and contributing to the development and implementation of risk management programs. And thirdly, Reputational risk which can take the form of a major lawsuit, an embarrassing product recall, negative publicity about you or your staff, or high-profile criticism of your products or services. If your reputation is damaged, you'll see an immediate loss of revenue, as customers become wary of doing business with you. Ways to mitigate this is by stablishing a crisis management team that focuses on strong enterprise risk management policies and procedures throughout the organization, including an effective anti-fraud program (Blackman 2014).

The company has a brand strategic that will make it different against the competitor's products. To begin with, the firm plans to include online marketing strategies to attract its customers. The company's tea products will be flavored unlike the competitor's which is not flavored. Furthermore, the company's products will consist of natural spring water and will come in different sizes. The company will provide high quality water and its production will be based on high standards in order to ensure high quality water. The company will also train and educate its customers on the best way to store its products. Through the provision of clean and flavored teas, the firm aim is to reduce diseases such as cholera and typhoid which are mostly associated with drinking dirty water (Rosen 2014). The company main population of target is the low income individuals in the society. Thus, the products will cost at a reduced rate compared with its competitors.

3. Strategic Position & Risk Assessment (Assignment 1)

The non-alcoholic beverage industry incorporates hot beverages and soda pops in their operations. The class of pop rules the drinks industry and includes carbon, filtered, juice, caffeinated and games, to drink and espresso. Soda bottles are currently introduced to the customer as liquid nourishment beverages (Dyson, & Robert, 2004). The market of soda pop is driven by carbonated drinks, which includes a business segment size $337.8 billion in the year 2013. At a similar time, CSDs were surpassed by filtered water possessing $189.1 billion regarding market size, and juice drinks with $146.2 billion segment size. Changing the needs of the presentation and needs of new items and flavors variations are the primary reason for driving the interest for non-alcoholic drinks. The expansion of cash flow in developing economies depends on the effect of interest on non-fixed beverages of the firm. North America is the largest sector in the non-alcoholic industry internationally after Asia Pacific. It is relied upon by the industry to provide a steady supply throughout the world. The real produce offers zero drinks and eating of routine beverages by the customers. Asia Pacific is the quickest developing regions in the market for nonalcoholic beverages. It quickly changes the life and expands its market internationally. Rising economies have led to an increased number of parties in the market (Manuel, 2007). The non-alcoholic drinks industry is a very aggressive industry, and it incorporates two major players, PepsiCo and Coca-Cola Companies. These firms dominate about 70% of the market, and other key players take the remaining portion.

2. Industry Analysis and Trends (Assignment 1)

The company is name is Brisk Stir Company. The Brisk Stir Company has the potential to offer a number of services to its customers. For example, it focuses on the provision of high quality non-alcoholic beverages such as natural and naturally flavored tea to its customers. Currently, the company has about sixty employees and the firm aim to increase its customer base in the next five years to over one hundred employees. Brisk Stir Company is based in the United States of America. However, the company management plans to expand and enter its products in new regions in the society. The company's main mission and vision is to inspire and create value to its customers and employees. The company also plans to provide high quality non-alcohol beverages and will partner with other firms in the next five years in order to increase its global presence. Furthermore, the firm plans to diversify in order to increase its productivity. Based on the firm aim and objectives, it is evident that the firm has high levels of integrity and aim at providing high levels of satisfaction to its clients in the society. The company name has the invisible power of motivating prospective customers to buy its products. The mission of the firm is to provide non-alcoholic drinks that meet the beverage and business demands of the current stakeholders and consumers. It is expected that this will promote a rewarding and sound business opportunities and benefit all individuals including its customers, suppliers and distributors in the society. The firm also plans to include social responsibility programs in the society with the aim of promoting social welfare in the community.

1. Company Description (Assignment 1)

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Business Management: This 12-slide presentation conveys the most important
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