Finding misplaced items. Are men or women more adept at remembering where they leave misplaced items (like car keys)? According to Uni- versity of Florida psychology professor Robin West, women show greater competence in actually ?nding these objects (Explore, Fall 1998). Approximately 300 men and women from Gainesville, Florida, par- ticipated in a study in which each person placed 20 common objects in a 12-room ‘‘virtual'' house represented on a computer screen. Thirty minutes later, the subjects were asked to recall where they put each of the objects. For each object, a recall variable was measured as ‘‘yes'' or ‘‘no.''
(a) Identify the population of interest to the psy- chology professor.
(b) Identify the sample.
(c) Does the study involve descriptive or inferential statistics? Explain.
(d) Are the variables measured in the study quan- titative or qualitative?