
Thirdly you will write a short 750-1000 words discussion

Geographic Concepts Assignment GEA 3400, 40 Points

Objective: Practice applying the concepts of the course to real-world examples from the region.

Instructions: Follow the steps below to complete this assignment:

1. Select a geographic concept that we will study this semester - a list of "Concepts" to select from are found at the bottom of this document. If you think of another concept not listed below that you'd like to do, just be sure to clear it with me first - otherwise, I'll expect everyone to pick something from the list. Some of the concepts will not be covered until later in the course so you may have to read ahead if you want to attempt one of those - for example, urban primacy.

2. Next, you will need to find a video from a reputable news sources (BBC News, ABC News on Youtube, (most) Al Jazeera America content, UPI) that illustrates/exemplifies the geographic concept you have selected. It will help if you have carefully read all the information pertaining to that concept in the readings and lectures first. Your selected story MUST be from a country/place in the Latin America or Caribbean region. It also helps if the reports are 5 mintues or longer.

3. Thirdly, you will write a short (750-1000 words) Discussion Post that gives a definition of the concept, explains how this concept is exemplified in the news story, and includes a link or directions to view the story you've chosen. The geographic concept you selected must be the title of your Discussion Post.

4. After the Initial Post due date, you will then read your classmates posts, and comment on two (2) of them. Your comments might direct them to further elucidate the connection of their concept to their story, make corrections in their analysis or writing, or even re-do the assignment because their story does not fit the concept they picked. Your job as reviewer is to be critical and help each other to improve your assignments.

5. Finally, you can take the feedback you get and make corrections to your original post or leave it as is. If you disagree with the feedback, you should make your own comment stating so and why - basically, why you didn't change it if you were prompted to do so. I will grade them after the deadline for all posts and comments so I can see the evolution of your entry. You must also submit your final edited entry to the Assignment Dropbox.

Evaluation: You assignment will be evaluated using the following criteria: followed all instructions/executed the assignment as described in the instructions; accurately matched selected concept to example story; provided a clear, concise explanation of concept and its use in the example story; adequately addressed critiques (peer comments); provided informed, appropriate critiques of others; used correct grammar and spelling; overall readability/quality of writing.

Sources & Submission: The only sources you should use are the course materials, and the story you selected. Do not use or add extraneous references. All writing must be the ORIGINAL work of the student - no plagiarism will be tolerated!!! A minimum penalty for any plagiarism will be a ZERO on this assignment, and loss of participation points. Do not "over-quote," but if you use wording from the materials you must cite it. If you are unfamiliar with what counts as plagiarism, you are hereby advised to review the information at this webpage: https://www.indiana.edu/~wts/pamphlets/plagiarism.shtml

Along with making your Discussion Post, you must also submit the final version of your paper to Turnitin.com. You can do this through the Assignment Dropbox. I will not grade any papers that have not also been submitted to Turnitin.com through the Assignment Dropbox.

Latin America Geographic Concepts

- Orographic Rainfall

- Petrodollars

- Social Darwinism

- Altitudinal Zonation

- Debt Crisis

- Indigenismo

- Peru Current

- Stabilization

- Syncretism

- El Nino

- Structural Adjustment Programs

- Gender

- Geohazards

- Neoliberalism

- Machismo

- Miscegenation

- Privatization

- Marianismo

- Demographic Collapse

- Market Niche Strategy

- Heteronormativity

- Atlantic Exchange

- Export Processing Zones

- Plantations

- Monroe Doctrine

- Non-Traditional Agricultural Exports (NTAEs)

- Export Agriculture

- Mercantilism

- Nationalism

- Deforestation

- Captive Markets

- Populism

- Development

- Commodity Trade

- Gunboat Diplomacy

- Urban Primacy

- Monoculture

- Domino Theory

- Squatter Settlements

- Boom-Bust Cycles

- National Security Doctrine

- Push-Pull Factors

- Banana Republics

- School of the Americas

- Displaced Persons

- Neocolonialism

- Pink Tide

- Brain Drain

- Capital Flight

- New Social Movements

- Remittances

- Civil Society

- Import Substitution Industrialization

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Dissertation: Thirdly you will write a short 750-1000 words discussion
Reference No:- TGS01699288

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