
Thinking of the five stages of team development from your


Think about your most recent experience working on a team, either at work or at school.

• Thinking of the five stages of team development from your reading, did your team progress through all five stages, or did they get stuck or disband in one of the stages? Give specific examples to illustrate your conclusion.

• Did your team argue or disagree at any point? If so, in what phase(s)? Why?

• Was your team successful in accomplishing its mission? Why or why not?

• Did everyone on the team contribute equally? Why or why not?

• What did team members appreciate about you?

Five stages of team development.

Forming: stage of team development that includes orientation and getting acquainted

Storming: stage of team development in which individual personalities and conflicts emerge

Norming: stage of team development in which conflicts have been resolved and team unity emerges

Performing: stage of team development in which the major emphasis is on accomplishing the team's goals

Adjourning: stage of team development that occurs in committees and teams that have a limited task to perform; the emphasis is on wrapping up, gearing down, and signifying closure

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Dissertation: Thinking of the five stages of team development from your
Reference No:- TGS01245263

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