
Thinking about expansion internationally are you aware of a

Thinking about expansion internationally, are you aware of a company who has expanded internationally? Why do you believe the company was a success or failure?

As we know there is a competitive advantage for a company to have a global presence. The text discusses the global teenager. Global teens are an interesting topic as when I travel it is true that teens in one country look similar to another. Regardless of where I go I see teens in jeans and t-shirts or the latest style of yoga pants. One might argue that the influence of advertising has created the sameness but I think it may be something different. I think we can thank MTV along with the Internet for influencing teens, as teens today want to wear Nike and Levi's while drinking a Coca-Cola. Japanese or Chinese teens may look the same with some of the typical Western influences but some of their cultural values may be different than Americans.

With teens adopting fashion across countries creating so much sameness, why would a company need to customize its product to the local country or modify the marketing message?

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Business Management: Thinking about expansion internationally are you aware of a
Reference No:- TGS02532547

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